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Bioremediation of phenol and naphthalene by Bacillus species and Brachybacterium species isolated from pharma soil sample

A.M. Velmurugan1 * and C. Arunachalam1

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.4.2.06

In this present study, Soil samples were collected from the pharma industries namely Sai Meera pharmaceuticals, Chennai. Samples were screened and totally 10 colonies were isolated in the Mineral Agar medium containing 10 mg of phenol and naphthalene and named as P1 to P10. The screened colonies were enriched in liquid minimal media containing phenol and naphthalene for 5 days. The enriched colonies streaked on the mineral agar plates containing increasing amount of phenol and naphthalene for potential strain. The potential strains were selected and named as P7 and P10. The potential strains were studied for degradation ability using 4-amino antipyrene method and the degradation ability were calculated by colorimetric O.D values at 600nm. Optimization of pH and temperature was carried out for the maximum degradation of chemical by the potential strains. The P7 and P10 strains showed better growth in neutral pH. P7 strain showed good growth at 28°C and 37°C but P10 strain shown better growth at 28°C. Immobilization of the potential strains was carried out for the better and maximum degradation and their degradation ability was calculated by 4-amino antipyrene method. Immobilized cells can be reused for further degradation. The potential strains P7 was identified as Bacillus sp and P10 was identified as Brachybacterium sp.

Microbial Degradation; Pharma Industrial Soil; Phenol and Naphthalene; Immobilization; Bacillus SP and 4- Amino Antipyrene.

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Velmurugan A.M, Arunachalam C. Bioremediation of phenol and naphthalene by Bacillus species and Brachybacterium species isolated from pharma soil sample. Curr World Environ 2009;4(2):299-306 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.4.2.06

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Velmurugan A.M, Arunachalam C. Bioremediation of phenol and naphthalene by Bacillus species and Brachybacterium species isolated from pharma soil sample. Curr World Environ 2009;4(2):299-306. Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/?p=965