
Current World Environment is an open access, international, scholarly peer-reviewed research journal which publishes original research after double-blind peer review. Published triannually in April, August and December by Enviro Research Publishers. The Journal aims to foster high quality research and strives to provide a forum for worldwide scientific researchers to share findings on all aspects of Environment and to provides a multidisciplinary forum for the international community.

We are abstracted in the leading databases of the world. We accept for publication manuscripts that were not published earlier (except as abstract). The articles should not be simultaneously under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Editorial Board shall scrutinize each article submitted to the journal and shall submit it to peer review.Current World Environment (ISSN: 0973-4929, Online ISSN: 2320-8031) published tri-annually in April, August and December by Enviro Research Publishers. The Journal aims to foster high quality research. 

We would like to invite you to contribute papers for consideration and publication in the current and forthcoming issues of Current World Environment.

You are also requested to send your detailed Biodata for the Editorial Board and Advisory Board, the selection will be done on the basis of seniority and achievements.

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