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Phytochemical Analysis of Hot Petroleum ether Extracts of Piper nigrum

Aditi Gupta1 * , Monika Gupta1 and Sudhakar Gupta1

1 Department of Chemistry, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, 144 806 Punjab India

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.8.1.18

The genus Piper belongs to family piperaceae which has over 700 species distributed in both hemispheres. The piperaceae family is a source of many biologically active photochemical with tremendous potential for medicinal uses. A wide range of secondary metabolites mainly alkaloids, amides and terpenes are reported from the various species of piper which are of great economical and medicinal importance. This paper reports the isolation of various sesqueterpenes such as δ–elemene, δ–cadinene, α–copane, caryophyllene, α–caryophyllene, β–bisabolene, and methyl benzene from the oil of the hot petroleum ether extract of Piper nigrum seeds. These phytochemicals are analysed by GC-MS spectral analysis.

Piper Nigrum; Dried Fruits; Volatile Oil; GC-MS

Copy the following to cite this article:

Gupta A, Gupta M, Gupta S. Phytochemical Analysis of Hot Petroleum ether Extracts of Piper nigrum. Curr World Environ 2013;8(1) DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.8.1.18

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Gupta A, Gupta M, Gupta S. Phytochemical Analysis of Hot Petroleum ether Extracts of Piper nigrum. Curr World Environ 2012;8(1). Curr World Environ 2013;8(1). Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/?p=3214

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Article Publishing History

Received: 2013-03-07
Accepted: 2013-03-20


Piper nigrum, belong to family piperaceae is a monoecious, perennial climbing herb, native of Southern India and Srilanka, cultivated in tropical regions.1 It is found in vast altitudinal diversity and shows great adaptability to a wide range of climatic and soil conditions which leads to interspecies diversity.2 Various pharmacological activities such as antimicrobial,3 analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, CNS depressant,4 antimutagenic,5 antioxidant and radical scavanging,6 antiinsecticidal,7 synergist,8 allelopathic9 and antirheumatism1 have been reported. It is found to be helpful in reducing pain, chills, flu, colds, feverand muscular aches.1 The dried fruits act as a source of medicine for aphrodisiac, carminative, antiseptic, diuretic, galactagogic and emmenagogic.11 The aromatic fruits are used as spices and unripe fruit is a source of black pepper.10 It has many physiological activities and therefore is of high commercial, economic and medicinal importance.12 During our research for novel bioactive natural products, the seeds of the plant are soxhalated with various organic solvents. All the extracts were showing the potential for further treatment. The petroleum ether extract after keeping untouched for twenty days, separated into thick lower solid portion and upper oily fraction. The oily fraction obtained from the petroleum ether extract on GC-MS analysis showed the presence of seven different components.

Materials and Methods

Seeds of Piper nigrum were purchased from the specific seed shop at Jammu district and identified by Dr. Gurdev Singh of Botany department at Lovely Professional University. Dried and crushed seeds (1 Kg) of Piper nigrum were soxhalated in ethanol for around 72 hours. The ethanol extract was than distilled with light petroleum ether, toluene, chloroform and ethyl acetate according to their polarity gradients. The oily fraction of petroleum ether extract was subjected to GC-MS for identification of different components present in it.
Table 1: Different components from hot petroleum ether extract of Piper nigrum Table 1: Different components from hot petroleum ether extract of Piper nigrum
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Analysis of Oily Fraction

The GC-MS spectra of oily fraction of hot petroleum ether extracts of  Piper nigrum recorded from Varian 4000 GC-MS/MS unveiled the presence of following components:
Among these chemical constituents methyl benzene is present as major component and δ – elemene as minor component, structures are given below
Fig.1:  Various components from hot Petroleum ether extracts of Piper nigrum Figure 1: Various components from hot Petroleum ether extracts of Piper nigrum
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The author is thankful to IIIM Jammu for GC-MS and Lovely Professional University for its lab facilities.

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