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Assessment of Ground Water Quality at Municipal Solid Waste Dumping Site-Sewapura, Jaipur

Abhishek Gautam 2 * , Gopal Pathak 1 and Anirudh Sahni 2

1 Department of Environmental Science and Engineering Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi India

2 Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, Jaipur Campus, Jaipur India

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.6.2.12

Drinking water is a basic need of all living organisms. Pollution of water resource has slowly diminished the amount of clean water from our planet. The rapid urbanisation and growth of population further added the problem. Huge amount of solid waste generated from the residences, hospitals etc. is dumped in open land areas. Such dumping causes environmental pollution by deteriorating the ground water quality. The present study was done at Sewapura MSW dumpsite near jaipur to assess the ground water quality in and around the study area. The results reveal that high amount of Fluoride (2.4 - 3.2 mg/l). Chlorides (288.4 – 1038.2 mg/l) and TDS (610.4 – 1828.4 mg/l) are present in the studied samples which are of higher range of acceptable limits. The ground water in the study area is being polluted by percolation of toxic substances into it. MSW dumping in the open area should be prohibited by the authorities to control the further pollution of water.

Municipal Solid Waste; Leachates; Heavy Metals; Fluoride; Chlorides

Copy the following to cite this article:

Gautam A, Pathak G, Sahni A. Assessment of Ground Water Quality at Municipal Solid Waste Dumping Site-Sewapura, Jaipur. Curr World Environ 2011:6;279-282 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.6.2.12

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Gautam A, Pathak G, Sahni A. Assessment of Ground Water Quality at Municipal Solid Waste Dumping Site-Sewapura, Jaipur. Curr World Environ [serial online] 2011;6:279-282. Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/?p=1409

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Received: 2011-09-27
Accepted: 2011-11-19


Municipal Solid Waste is a growing menace in present times. Population increase has added the problem many fold.  Waste materials or the leachates so formed during the course of time may percolate to the ground water table. This may cause the pollution of ground water and ultimately affects the health of local inhabitants.  Leachates are formed by slow decomposition of municipal solid waste. These leachates may run off in the nearby natural water resources such as ponds, lakes and rivers and percolate to ground water causing water pollution (Arneth et.al. 1989). The leachates when mixed with water body increase the concentration of heavy metals, nitrates, sulphates and other organic and inorganic substances. In India more than 60 million population suffer from fluorosis by drinking fluoride contaminated water (Raju et.al. 2009). Though some of the metals like Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn are essential as micro nutrients for plants and microorganisms, many other metals like Cd, Cr and Pb are proved detrimental beyond a certain limit  (Bruins et.al. 2000). Elevated levels of heavy metals lead to toxicity in living organisms (Murugavelh and Vinod, 2010). With sufficient surface water infiltration, soil contaminants such as heavy metals can leach to underlying groundwater. Once the ground water is contaminated it may remain in hazardous state for decades or even centuries. The effects of heavy metals on groundwater are different for different types of soils (Zenglu, 1992). Higher concentration of Zn can cause impairment of growth and reproduction (Nolan, 2003).

Materials and Methods

The present study was carried out at Municipal solid waste dumping site near Jaipur at Sewapura. This MSW dumping site is located at around 20 kms from the Jaipur city. The water samples were collected from 10 different locations namely W1 to W10 (Table-1) surrounding the MSW dumping area. The water samples were collected in well cleaned autoclaved bottles. The samples were then later analysed for physico chemical parameters and heavy metal content. pH determination was carried out by using digital pH meter (Elico). Sulphates, Phosphates, Fluoride and Nitrate were determined by using UV spectrophotometer (Systronic). The heavy metals were analysed by Atomic Absorbtion Spectrophotometer (AAS). 

Results and Discussion

The results of physico-chemical analysis obtained for the summer season are given in the table 1.

Table 1: Table 1:
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The results shows the pH ranges from 7.1 to 7.8 (Table 1). Electrical conductivity (EC) ranged from 1.34 to 3,5 mS. The total dissolved solids were high in range from 610.4 to 1828.4 mg/l. Chlorides from 288.4 to 1038.2 mg/l. Total Hardness from 130 to 600 mg/l. Calcium and magnesium hardness ranged from 60 to 320 mg/l and 60 to 280 mg/l. Sulphates were found in range of 48.6 to 88.3 mg/l. Phosphate was present only at the main dumpsite water sample as 1.2 mg/l. Nitrates was present from 0.4 to 1.6 mg/l. Sodium and potassium ranged from 218 to 600 mg/l and 7 to 15 mg/l. Fluoride was present in the range of 2.4 to 3.2 mg/l. Heavy metals were analysed and their presence was found in traces. Cu and Zn were present in the core MSW dumpsite water sample. The physico-chemical analysis of water samples give varied results. The pH was found in normal limits of W.H.O. and other organisations. The chloride values were in the higher range of acceptable limits given by ICMR, BIS and WHO (Table 2). The nitrates and phosphates were also found in the normal range. The fluoride values are quite high in the study area. The above results are higher than acceptable limits of monitory organisation and indicate the effect of dumping of municipal solid waste in the study area as the ground water quality is slowly deteriorating. The study reveals that the ground water may become completely unfit for the purpose of drinking and irrigation.

The standard values of ground water quality recommended by various organisations are given in table 2.

Table 2: Recommended standards for ground water quality Table 2: Recommended standards
for ground water quality

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It can be thus concluded easily that the dumping of municipal solid waste should completely be stopped in the study area as it is slowly damaging the environment. The leachates formed slowly percolate in the ground water table and may ultimately pollute the ground water. High Chloride and fluoride values in the water samples not only make it unfit for drinking but also cause many diseases. The high values of chloride and fluoride may be due to leaching of toxic substances of municipal solid waste in to the ground water table (Sahni and Gautam, 2009). Chloride conc. if more than 250 mg/l, causes salty taste. Fluoride concentration more 1.5 mg/l if consumed for long period causes dental and skeletal fluorosis (Sahni et.al. 2010). The disease causes complete damage of bones and teeth. The nitrate values are very low. High conc. of nitrate i.e. above 45 mg/l results in “Methmoglobinemia” in infants. Thus the need of the hour is to save water from being polluted by moving away the municipal solid waste dumpsite from the area and develop a properly managed landfill site.


Authors are highly thankful to Dr. Abhinav Dinesh, Director, Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Jaipur campus for his encouragement and guidance.


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