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Physicochemical analysis of drinking water of Gandhi Nagar area of Bhopal with special reference to pollution

H.C. Kataria1 * and Santosh Ambhore2

1 Government Motilal Vigyan Mahavidyalaya, Bhopal , 462 001 India

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.5.1.40

Physico – chemical analysis of bore – wells drinking water of Gandhi Nagar area of Bhopal city has studied in different seasons for one year during 2008-09. Two readings in one season have observed to analyze different parameter i.e. temperature, pH, EC, free CO2, chloride, Total alkalinity, Hardness, Ca – H and Mg – H, The result are found in the range of 26 – 29.5° 6.8 – 7.8 220 – 988 u mhos /cm, 0 – 32.8, 18.2 – 128.28 22.8 – 364 ppm 104.8 – 384, 72 – 312 & 24 – 72.4 ppm. Respectively, While D.O, B.O.D., C.O.D., NO3-1 and SO4-2 are in the range of 1.14 – 2.68, 2.00 – 3.60, 20.8 – 78.8, 3.2 – 12.4 and 323.2 – 70.6ppm The present study has its utmost importance for hygienic point of view in the public interest.

Physico - Chemical Analysis; Bore - Well; Gandhi Nagar; Bhopal

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Kataria H. C, Ambhore S. Physicochemical analysis of drinking water of Gandhi Nagar area of Bhopal with special reference to pollution. Curr World Environ 2010;5 (1):221-222 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.5.1.40

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Kataria H. C, Ambhore S. Physicochemical analysis of drinking water of Gandhi Nagar area of Bhopal with special reference to pollution. Curr World Environ 2010;5 (1):221-222. Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/?p=1164

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Received: 2010-02-12
Accepted: 2010-04-04


Bhopal is the capital of Madhya Pradesh. Water samples of bore – wells water are collected in 2 litre clean polythene Jerry – cane after flushing the bore – wells to analyse. The procedure has adopted as prescribed by APHA (1985)1 NEERI (1986).4 Pre – sterilized bottles a used to collect the D.O. & B.O.D. samples, Temperature pH of water samples has measured at the sampling stations, In the present study temperature varied form 25- 28.5°C. pH indicates the intensity of acidity. Electrical conductivity of water samples range form 220 – 988 u mhos/cm that measures the dissolved ions and has the capacity to carry on electrical charge of both cations and anions.

Table 1: Physico-chemical analysis of Borewells water of Gandhi Nagar area of Bhopal City 2008-09
Click here to view table


Free CO2 ranges from 6.0 – 32.8 ppm, chloride, total alkalinity, Total hardness, Ca – H and Mg – H are observed in the range of 18.2 – 128.28, 22.8 – 364, 104.8 – 384, 72 – 312 and 24 – 72.4 ppm respectively at different sampling stations. Higher vaues of alkalinity are due to leaching of soil during natural filtration of water from sewage. D.O., B.O.D. and C.O.D. range from 1.14 – 2.68, 2.00 – 3.20 and 20.8 – 78.8 ppm respectively as summarized in table – 1. Nitrate concentration in ground water is due to leaching of nitrate with percolation of water. Nitrate in this study varies from 3.2 – 12.4 ppm is well within the permissible limits. Sulphate is an important constituent of hardness with Ca and Mg. Excess amount of sulphate in water has Cathartic effect of human health Rangwala, KS and Rangwala PS (1927).5 Sulphate in this study ranges form 32.2 – 70.6ppm The findings are similar with Kataria (1996)2 (2000).3 Most of the parameters are found within the permissible limits as recommended by WHO (1978).6

Hence water samples analyzed in the present study has found suitable for drinking purpose after proper required treatment.



  1. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater APHA, 13TH ED. NEW YORK (1985).
  2. IS:10500:Indian standard specification for drinking water, ISI, New Delhi (1988).
  3. Kataria, H.C. Gupta S.S.and Jain, O.P., Poll Res. (1996) 14(4): 455-562.
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  5. Kataria, H.C. et al . Bio chemical evaluation of ground water of karond area of Bhopal India, Asia J. of Chem., (2005) 17(4): 2815-2817.
  6. Kataria H.C. and shahla bux, hydrochemcial analysis of ground water of BHEL industrial area of Bhopal city, IJEP (2009) 29(8): 705-709.
  7. NEERI : Manual on water and wastewater analysis, national environmental engg. Research institute Nagpur, (1986) 340.
  8. Rangwala, K.S. and Rangwala P.S.water supply and sanitary engineering character Publ. house Anand (Vely), India, 12th Ed. (1927) 43, 44.
  9. Who Environemental health Criteria, 5 Genewa (1978).