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Structure and Floristic Composition of Existing Agroforestry Systems in Fatehpur District of Uttar Pradesh, India

Rajiv Umrao1 * , B. Mehera1 , Neelam Khare1 and Hemant Kumar1

Corresponding author Email: umraoforester@rediffmail.com

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.12.1.15

The floristic-composition and structure study of existing agroforestry systems was carried out in the farmer’s fields of village Dariyapur (Site-I) and Alampur (Site-II) at Fatehpur district (Uttar Pradesh) during 2008-2010. The quantitative characteristics of vegetation were determined by the quadrat method. The floristic diversity study was made by adopting random sampling approach, under which, 20 quadrates of 10 m x 10 m were laid down. The density, frequency, abundance, IVI, Species –diversity, concentration of dominance, species-richness, equitability and beta diversity and other useful parameters for comparison of different types of existing agroforestry systems were analyzed by the simple arithmetic calculation. The study illustrated that Acacia nilotica was dominant in these sites with highest IVI values (24.91) in site- II (Alampur) lowest IVI values (22.04) in site- I (Dariyapur). Concentration of Dominance (Simpson Index) of tree species was higher in site -II (0.039) and lowest in site- I (0.032). Species diversity level among the tree species in site was observed and found higher in site-II (0.994) and lowest in site -I (0.934). Tree species equitability was same in site-I and site-II (0.055) while Beta-diversity was recorded highest in site –I (4.176) and lowest in site –II (3.944).Tree species-richness was recorded maximum in site –II (0.154) and minimum in site-I (0.149).

Structure; Abundance; Floristic-composition; Species-richness

Copy the following to cite this article:

Umrao R, Mehera B, Khare N, Kumar H. Structure and Floristic Composition of Existing Agroforestry Systems in Fatehpur District of Uttar Pradesh, India. Curr World Environ 2017;12(1). DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.12.1.15

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Umrao R, Mehera B, Khare N, Kumar H. Structure and Floristic Composition of Existing Agroforestry Systems in Fatehpur District of Uttar Pradesh, India. Curr World Environ 2017;12(1). Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/?p=16911