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Assessment of Salinity and Fluoride in Groundwater of Semi-Arid Region of Punjab, India

Gopal Krishan 1 * , M. S. Rao 1 , C. P. Kumar 1 , Sudhir Kumar 1 , R. S. Loyal 2 , G.S. Gill2 and Prabhat Semwal1

Corresponding author Email: drgopal.krishan@gmail.com

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.12.1.05

Groundwater is the major source of drinking water in Southwestern semi-arid region of Punjab, India which is now facing severe salinity and fluoride (F-) problems. A study was carried out in the Bathinda district of southwest semi-arid region of Punjab to assess the salinity and F- concentrations. Groundwater samples from 21 locations were analyzed, and 59% were found to exceed the permissible electrical conductivity (EC) limit of 1500 µS/cm1. Fluoride concentrations exceeded the WHO (2008)1 permissible limit of 1.50 mg/L in 69% of the samples which may significantly affect human health by causing fluorosis. The increase in groundwater levels leading to high evaporation which caused an accumulation of salts and further resulted in increase in EC. The increased F- concentration is mainly due to rock-water interactions which led to fluorite dissolution.

Groundwater; Quality; Salinity; Fluoride; Semi-arid region; South-West Punjab

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Krishan G, Rao M. S, Kumar C. P, Kumar S, Loyal R. S, Gill G. S, Semwal P. Assessment of Salinity and Fluoride in Groundwater of Semi-Arid Region of Punjab, India. Curr World Environ 2017;12(1). DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.12.1.05

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Krishan G, Rao M. S, Kumar C. P, Kumar S, Loyal R. S, Gill G. S, Semwal P. Assessment of Salinity and Fluoride in Groundwater of Semi-Arid Region of Punjab, India. Curr World Environ 2017;12(1). Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/?p=16741