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Modeling of Activated Sludge with ASM1 Model, Case Study on Wastewater Treatment Plant of South of Isfahan

Farzaneh Mohamadi1 , Somaye Rahi1 * , Bijan Bina2 and Mohamad Mehdi Amin3

1 Ph.D. student of Environmental Health Engineering, Isfahan University Of Medical Sciences, Iran

2 Professor of Environmental Health Engineering, School of Health, Isfahan University Of Medical Sciences, Iran

3 Isfahan University Of Medical Sciences, Iran

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.10.Special-Issue1.14

ASM1 model is one of the most widely used models of activated sludge process which is the interest of researchers. This model was first proposed in 1987 by the IAWQ group and it is the first formal model of activated sludge. In this research, to evaluate the consistent of model's result with the reality, the data of wastewater treatment plant of south of Isfahan was used. This treatment plant covers a population about 800000 people, and the activated sludge method is used for treating municipal wastewater. The components of ASM1 mode such as fast biodegradable substrate parameters (Ss) and slow biodegradable (Xs) and the concentration of total COD, total nitrogen, suspended solids, nitrate nitrogen and Kjeldahl nitrogen were measured within 68 days and were included in the model. For modeling, the STOAT software was used where the ASM1 model was implemented. To calibrate the model, four cases from bio-kinetic coefficients of ASM1 model was obtained based on the results and the model was corrected in the default values. These coefficients include maximum specific growth rate (µm), decay coefficient (Kd), yield coefficient(Y), and saturation constant (Ks). The model results were consistent with the reality‎.

ASM1 modeling; Activated sludge; STOAT; Biokinetic coefficient; Wastewater treatment plant of south of Isfahan

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Mohamadi F, Rahimi S, Bina B, Amin M. M. Modeling of Activated Sludge with ASM1 Model, Case Study on Wastewater Treatment Plant of South of Isfahan DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.10.Special-Issue1.14

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Mohamadi F, Rahimi S, Bina B, Amin M. M. Modeling of Activated Sludge with ASM1 Model, Case Study on Wastewater Treatment Plant of South of Isfahan. Special Issue of Curr World Environ 2015;10(Special Issue May 2015). Available from: http://www.cwejournal