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The Occurrence of TDS and Conductivity of Domestic Water in Lumding Town of Nowgong District of Assam, N.E. India

M.K Paul1 * and Sujata Sen2

1 Department of Chemistry, Lumding College, 782447 India

2 Department of Geology, Lumding College, 782447 India

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.7.2.09

Total dissolved solid (TDS) and Conductivity are important parameters to determine the quality of water. The seasonal variations in TDS are mainly due to the ionic composition of water. In the present study the seasonal variations in TDS and Conductivity of Lumding Town were studied from May, 2001 to April, 2004. It was found that the TDS of Dug well, Ring well and Ponds were maximum high, but the TDS of River water and Supply water were appreciable.

TDS; Conductivity; Domestic Water

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Paul M.K, Sen S. The Occurrence of TDS and Conductivity of Domestic Water in Lumding Town of Nowgong District of Assam, N.E. India. Curr World Environ 2012;7(2):251-258 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.7.2.09

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Paul M.K, Sen S. The Occurrence of TDS and Conductivity of Domestic Water in Lumding Town of Nowgong District of Assam, N.E. India. Curr World Environ 2012;7(2):251-258. Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/?p=2832