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Spatial Pattern of Covid-19 in Relation to Population Density: A Case Study in Assam (India)

Satyendra Hazarika * and Niha Dutta

1 Department of Geography, Darrang College, Tezpur, Assam India

Corresponding author Email: satyendrahazarika@gmail.com

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.17.3.22

Since the time of occurrence of first wave of COVID-19, its study from multi dimensional directions becomes visible across academic disciplines globally. In this paper we analyze the correlation between spread of corona virus and population density. The study is undertaken at district level in the state of Assam, (North-eastern India), considering the confirmed COVID-19 cases (during the first wave) and population density of the districts. We use the Karl Pearson’s correlation method for assessing the level of correlation, which is further tested with t-test application. A cartographic representation is also constructed using GIS platform to observe the COVID-19 spatial incidence in relation to population density pattern. We have observed that the number of infection and population density at district level have a positive relationship with R value 0.641, which can be considered statistically significant.

COVID-19; Pandemic; Population Density; Spatial Pattern

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Hazarika S, Dutta N. Spatial Pattern of Covid-19 in Relation to Population Density: A Case Study in Assam (India). Curr World Environ 2022;17(3). DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.17.3.22

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Hazarika S, Dutta N. Spatial Pattern of Covid-19 in Relation to Population Density: A Case Study in Assam (India). Curr World Environ 2022;17(3).