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Environmental Implications of pH in a Pervious Concrete Pavement on Highway BR-319, Amazonas, Brazil

Evailton Arantes de Oliveira 1 * , Maria do P. S. Lamêgo Oliveira1 , Arlene M. Lamêgo da S. Campos3 , Murilo Ferreira dos Santos 2 , Jessica Adriane Afonso Souza 2 , Maria João Correia de Simas Guerreiro4 and Maria Alzira Pimenta Dinis 4

Corresponding author Email: 35986@ufp.edu.pt

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.13.2.03

This research studies the carbonation phenomenon of cement due to the reaction of its components with water. In this chemical reaction occurs the formation of calcium carbonate and the absorption of CO2 in the atmosphere, which contributes to the reduction of the Greenhouse Effect. However, carbonation also causes pathologies such as efflorescence, staining and corrosion of steel in concrete. This research shows the results of experiments with specimens of concrete permeable, made with cement and big aggregates (calcareous stone) in the ratio of 1: 4.4 (cement: stone) and a factor of 0.3 for water / cement. The specimens were kept in contact with water containing different amounts of CO2 - distilled, ionized alkaline, carbonated, and tap water. After the experiments were carried out, an increase in pH, a mean compressive strength of 12.3 MPa and a permeability rate of 1.28 l / h was observed. The results show that the permeable concrete did not present any pathologies resulting from the carbonation during the period of the research, which recommended the same for use in road pavements.

Brazil; Carbonation; Highway Pavement; Pervious Concrete; Resistance to Compression

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Oliveira E. A. D, Santos M. F. D , Sou za J. A. A , Campos A. M. L. D. S, Oliveira M. D. P. S. L, Guerreiro M.J.C.D.S, Dinis M.A.P. Environmental Implications of pH in a Pervious Concrete Pavement on Highway BR-319, Amazonas, Brazil.Curr World Environ 2018;13(2). DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.13.2.03

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Oliveira E. A. D, Santos M. F. D , Sou za J. A. A , Campos A. M. L. D. S, Oliveira M. D. P. S. L, Guerreiro M.J.C.D.S, Dinis M.A.P. Environmental Implications of pH in a Pervious Concrete Pavement on Highway BR-319, Amazonas, Brazil. Curr World Environ 2018;13(2). Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/article/1088/