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Influence of Meteorological Parameters on Air Quality at Hashemite University, Jordan

Sana A Odat1 * , Mahmoud Abu-Allaban 2 and Khitam Odibat2

1 Department of Water Management & Environment, The Hashemite University, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Zarqa, Jordan

Corresponding author Email: sanaa.owdat@yu.edu.jo

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.12.2.04

Four threshold air pollutants (SO2, NO, NO2, and O3) in addition to meteorological parameters were monitored at the Campus of the Hashemite University (HU) for two years (1/1/2012 through 30/12/013). Correlations between air pollution and meteorological parameters were derived. The results showed that O3 has a positive correlation with air temperature, wind speed and wind direction, but has a negative correlation with the relative humidity (RH). SO2 was found to have a negative correlation with the RH and wind speed, but positive correlation with air temperature. NO has negative correlation with air temperature, RH, and wind speed. And finally, NO2 has a negative correlation with RH and wind speed, but it has positive correlation with air temperature. Justify the reasons in brief with recommendations to improve the air quality

Air Pollutants; Sulfur Dioxide; Nitrogen Oxides; Ozone; Meteorological Parameters

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Odat S, Abu-Allaban M, Odibat K. Influence of Meteorological Parameters on Air Quality at Hashemite University, Jordan. Curr World Environ 2017;12(2). DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.12.2.04

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Odat S, Abu-Allaban M, Odibat K. Influence of Meteorological Parameters on Air Quality at Hashemite University, Jordan. Curr World Environ 2017;12(2). Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/?p=17515