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Cyanophyta recorded in Erbil ,Kurdistan region of Iraq

Janan Jabbar Toma1 * and Bahram K.2

1 HawlerBotanical Garden, Hawler, Kurdistan Iraq

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.8.1.07

Two hundred fourty four species of blue green algae have been listed and recorded in this investigation. The listed species belong to five main groups of cyanophyta, making up all together fourty six genus. It was found that blue green algae in Erbil represented (54%) of Iraqi blue green algae, and (11%) of all known algae in Iraq so far.

Cyanophyta; Erbil; Iraq; Kurdistan

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Toma J. J, Maulood B. K. Cyanophyta recorded in Erbil ,Kurdistan region of Iraq. Curr World Environ 2013;8(1) DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.8.1.07

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Toma J. J, Maulood B. K. Cyanophyta recorded in Erbil ,Kurdistan region of Iraq. Curr World Environ 2013;8(1). Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/?p=3363

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Received: 2013-03-22
Accepted: 2013-04-10


The1 may be regard as the first one who did a detail study on algae in Iraq as he studied phytoplankton in Razzah and Al-Habbaniyah. However (2 and 3) did published a periliminary study on algae arround Baghddad, mesopotamia and Kurdistan respectively.

Concurrently with estabilshing different universities in different parts of Iraq during seventy last century attention were given to algal studies in parallel with other branches of sciences.Tens of papers and M.Sc thesis were furnishing the local and international journals with various aspects of algal studies.The university of Sulaimaniah team under the leadership of Prof B.K.Maulood and Bassarah university under leadership of prof Al-Saadi and Haddi (4, 5 and 6).

One of the important outcome of these investigation was the addition of new division of algae to Iraqi & Kurdistan flora, the red algae with more than 6 species have been described in details (7 and 8).

Recently 3 sucesssive check list of algae in Iraq have been produced every decad since 1983.The fourth one is underway for publicationby the Maulood et al.,

A series of keys for identification of different species of cyanophyta have been attempted by Maulood & Aziz but it have been realized that they are not so precise going to apply since quite many more species are continously been added to the flora of Kurdistan & Iraq throughout continous survies this is in one hand, the survey should extend to all other part of the country.On the other hand because of this such attempt should be terminated and not applied.

The present study is dealing with the whole 244 known species of blue green algae within Erbil province and their distribution in variuos habitats such as pond, lake, river, stream, dutches ect---, and appeared in these figures (1, 2, 3, 4 and5) are represnted in different districts within Erbil province.
Figure(1):Map of Iraq show Erbil Province Figure 1 :Map of Iraq show Erbil Province
Click here to View figure
Figure (2): Map of Erbil show Kalak and Al-Kuwayr districts Figure 2: Map of Erbil show
Kalak and Al-Kuwayr districts

Click here to View figure
Figure (3): Map of Erbil show Kasnazan, Shaqlawa and Koysinjaq districts Figure 3: Map of Erbil show Kasnazan,
Shaqlawa and Koysinjaq districts

Click here to View figure
Figure (4): Map of Erbil show Khalifan, Soran,Rawanduz and Harir districts Figure 4: Map of Erbil show Khalifan,
Soran,Rawanduz and Harir districts

Click here to View figure
Figure (5): Map of Erbil show Choman, and Haji Homaran Figure 5: Map of Erbil show
Choman, and Haji Homaran

Click here to View figure
Description of the Area

The Erbil province (Fig.1) is capital of Kurdistan and situated in the north east of Iraq. It is bounded to the north east and south east by the Greater and Lasser Zab rivers. Boundaries extend from longitudinal 430 15- E to 450 14- E and from latitude35027- N to37024- N(9).

The climate of the area is characterized by a wide diurnal and annual range of temperature.9 The climate most closely related to Irano-Turanian type. The average annual rainfall may exceed 1000mm.The annual average rainfall for Erbil city estimated to be 440mm(10).. Details of geology, pedology and limnology of the area may given in.11 

In the present study the habitat and taxonomy of all species that was published in different journals and different peroids of time where gather together and documented in these papers(12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20and 21) as seen in theses figures (1, 2, 3, 4 and5), then after may start such study on other of algae such as green, yellow green, red ect., in Erbil and other different provincve of Kurdistan of Iraq will be dealt with in coming in future.

Results and Discussions

Throughuot a review of all published scientific reliable information about blue green algae in Arbil, it was found that out of 244 species, that have been recorded in Arbil province (Table.1) almost 52.9% are belonging to Oscillatoriales, whereas 30.4% of the genuses are belonging to chroococales. In contrast Oscillatoriales made up less than 22% of the genus, which was less than Nostocales which was more than of Chaemsiphonales & less than Chroococales as well.

Number of species of Oscillatoriales in Arbil  was found to be almost double of that of species number of Chroococales and fourfold higher than Nostocales, whereas the number of species of Chaemisphonales was almost ten folds less than that of Oscillatoriales.

The total number of blue green algae in Arbil province makeup almost (54%) of total blue green algae in Iraq, whereas the total blue green algae make up (11%) of all algae of Iraq.

Therefore we may say that Arbil province represent (11%)  of blue green algae in Iraq that are distributed throughout different lakes, rivers,stream, pond ect, and throughout the altitude  in Kurdistan.
Table(1):-Number of genus and species of blue green algae that recorded during this study Table 1: Number of genus and species of blue
green algae that recorded during this study

Click here to View table


Type of Algae





1-Order: Chroococales


Kasnazan impoundment, Dlopa basin

1-Aphanocapsa  delicatissma West and West

Degala stream

A. elachista West and West


Deygella Mountain stream

A. elachista   var. planctonica G.M. Smith

Kasnazan impoundment , Dlopa basin

A. endophytica  G.M. Smith

Degala stream, Dermanawa spring

A .montana Cramer

Hamammok spring, Kany Gawra spring

2-Aphanothece  castagnei (Breb. )  Rabenhorst

Dermanawa spring, Jale thermal  spring, Kasnazan impoundment,  Dlopa basin


A. nidularis P. Richter

Kasnazan impoundment, Dlopa basin, Wastewater( at Hawera subdistrict, at Gamsh Tapa village, Greater Zab River at Kunder area)

A.nidularis var endophytica  West & West

Dermanawa spring, Kassnazan impoundment Dilope basin

A. saxicola Naegeli

  Kasnazan impoundment   ,Dlopa basin


3-Chroococcus  dispersus  Lemmermann

Wastewater( at Tooraq village, at Arab-Kand village, at Tarijan village),  Kassnazan impoundment , Dlopa basin

C. dispersus  var minor G..M.Smith

Kasnazan impoundment, Dlopa basin

C. giganteus West and West

Gali Ali-Bag area

C. hansgirgi Schmidle

Kasnazan impoundment, Shekhi Balakan spring, Sarta spring, Chneran spring, Aqubani saru spring



C. limneticus Lemmermann

Wastewater(at Tooraq village, at Arab-Kand village) ,  Kasnazan impoundment , Dlopa basin

C.limneticus var elegans G.S.Smith

Basstora stream, wastewater( at Jimakah& Binberz village, at Saadawa village, at Hawera subdistrict,at Gamesh Tapa village)

C. limneticus var subsalsus Lemmermann

Wastewater(at Tooraq village)

C. minimus   var careneus

Dlopa spring, Jale thermal spring, wastewater(at Tooraq village, at Arab-Kand village, at Tarjan village) , Shekhi Balakan spring, Sarta spring, Chneran spring, Sheraswar spring, Haji Marg, Haji Agha, Haji Ahmad, Kasnazan impoundment, Kasnazan Kahreeze

C. minor (Ktz.) Naegeli

Dlopa spring, Bahrka spring, Hamammok spring, Basstora stream, Jazshnakan stream, Jazshnakan Kahreeze, Degala stream, Sardaw spring, wastewater( at Jimakah & Binberz village, at Saadawa village, at Hawera village, Greater Zab River at Kunar area), Kasnazan impoundment, Dlopa basin,Debaga spring

C. minutus (Ktz.) Naegeli

Hamammok spring, Gomaspan darband, wastewater

C. tenax (Kirchn.) Hieron

Bahrka spring, Basstora stream, Rubary Koya, Gomaspan darband, Sulauke stream, Geli Muzik stream, Shekhi Balakan spring, Azadi spring, zar gali thermal spring, Sheraswar spring, Kani Piawan, Haji marg, Qalasnji Khwaru, Seta spring, Kasnazan impoundment ,Dlopa basin, wastwater(at Jimkah & Binberz village, at Trjan village, at Saadawa village).

C. turgidus (Ktz.) Naegeli

Kasnazan impoundment, Dlopa basin

4-Coelosphaerium dubium Grunow

Degala stream

C. kuetzingiana Naegeli

Kasnazan impoundment, Kasnazan Kahreeze

5-Dactylococcopsis fascicularis  Lemmermann

Degala stream

6-Eucapsis alpina Clem .and Schantz

Kassnazan impoundment, Dlopa basin, wastewater(at Tarjan village, at Gamsh Tapa village)

7-Gloeocapsa  aeruginousa (Garm) Keutzing

Gomasheen pond, Kassnazan impoundment, Dlopa basin, wastewater(at Tarjan village, at Saadawa village)

G. calcarea Tilden

Degala stream, wastewater(at Saadawa village, at Hawera subdistrict, at at Gamsh Tapa village, Greater Zab River at Kudar area)

G. compacta   Kuetz

Gomasheen pond

G. dermochroe  Naegeli

Gali Ali-Bag area

G. fusco-lutea  Naegeli

Suse stream

G. gelatinosa Kuetz

Kanya gawra( concret tank), Dlopa spring, Hamammok spring, Dermanawa spring

G. kuetzingiana Naegeli

Kasnazan Kahreeze, Jale thermal spring

G. luteofusca Martens

Bahrka spring

G. pluerocapsoids Novacek

Gali Ali-Bag area

G. polydermatica Kutz

Bahrka spring, Dlopa spring, Kassnazan impoundment, Dermanawa spring

G. punctate Naegeli

Dermanawa spring

G. quaternaria Kuetzing

Gali Ali-Bag area, Kasnazan impoundment, Dlopa basin

G. rupestris Kutz

Kehres Qoritan

8-Gloeotheca  linearis Naegeli

Degala stream

9-Gomphosphaeria  aponina Kuetzing

Degala stream

G. mauloodianum  Kuetzing

Wastewater( at Tooraq village, at Tarajan village, at Saadawa village, Gamesh Tapa village, at Greater Zab River at Kudar area)

10-Gleocystis gigas Kuetz

Degala stream, wastewater(at Hawera sub district, at Gamesh Tapa village)

11-Merismopedia convolute de Brebison

Basstora spring, Hamammok spring, wastewater( at Tooraq at village, Gamesh Tapa village)

M. elegans A.Braun

Deygella Mountain stream, Basstora spring, Hamammok spring, Dermanawa spring, Rubary Koya, Gomasheen pond, Jazshnekan stream, Kasnazan impoundment, Degala stream

Mglauca (Ehr.) Naegeli

Gomaspan darband

M. marsoni   A.Braun

Basstora spring, Jazshnekan spring, Degala stream, Dlopa stream, Sheraswar spring, Piawan spring

M. minima Heck

Bistana spring and stream, Deygella mountain stream, Basstora spring, Hamammok spring, Rubary Koya, Jazshnakan stream, Degala stream, Gomaspan stream, Kasnazan impoundment, Kani -Hunjir spring, wastewater(at Hawera sub district, Greater Zab River at Kudar area)

M. punctata Heyen

Serta springs(Batas), Azadi spring, Zar gali thermal spring, Aqubani saru spring, Piawan spring,  Kasnazan impoundment

M. tenussima  Lemmermann

Bistana spring and stream, Gomaspan darband, Geli muzik stream, Degala stream, Sulauke stream

M. trolleri Bachmann

Degala stream, wastewater(at Saadawa village, at Hawera sub district)

12-Microcystis  aeruginosa Kuetzing

Wastewater(at Saadawa village, at Hawera sub district)

M. elongata  Nov

Bahrka spring, Dlopa spring, Dermanawa spring, wastewater(at Tooraq village, at Gamesh Tapa village, Greater Zab River at Kudar area)

M. elabens  Breb

Basstora spring

M. flos-aquae  (Wittr.) Kirchner

Bahrka spring, Basstora spring, Degala stream, wastewater(at Tooraq village, at Hawera sub district, Gamesh Tapa village)

M. marginate (Menegh) Kuetzing

Dibaga spring, Jale thermal spring

13-Rhabdoderma  irregulare Geitler

Jale thermal spring

14-Synechococcus aeruginosus Naegeli

Dibaga spring, Mersaid thermal spring

S. elongatus  Naegeli

Bahrka spring, Kanya Gawra spring (concret tank)

15-Synechocystis  saline Wisloush

Jale thermal spring, Mersaid thermal spring

S pevalekii   Erecegevic


2-Order : Chamaesiphonalis


Lesser Zab River(Altun Kopre)

1-Chamaesiphon  curvatus  Nordst

Bekhal spring, Rubary Koya

C. siderphilus   Starmach

Bekhal spring, Beer a Baraza small spring

C. siderphilus  var. glabra  C.B. Rao

Gomaspan darband

2-Chlorogloea microcystoides  Geitter


3-Order: Pleurocapsales

Rubary Koya

1-Hyella caespitosa  Born and Flah

Rubary Koya

2-Myxosarcina burmensis  Skuja

Smaqulu bridge

M. amathystina Skuja

Kasnazan Kahreeze

M. spectabilis    Printz

Kahreeze Qoritan, Kasnazan Kahreeze, Gomasheen pond, Rebury Koya

3-Pleurocapsa minor   Hansginosa

Degala stream

4-Stichosiphon regularis  Skuja

Degala stream, Gomasheen stream, Jazshnakan Kahreeze, Kanya Gawra (concret tank)

5- Xenococcus kerneri Hansgirg


4-Order: Oscillatoriales

Graw Haji Omaran thermal spring

1-Arthrospira massarti Kuffareth

Degala stream

2-Borzia trilocularis Cohn

Kanya Gawra, Dlopa spring, Dermanawa spring, Rubary Koya, Kasnazan Kahreeze, Wastewater(at Saadawa village, Greater Zab River at Kudar area)

3-Lyngbya  aerugineo-coerulea (Ktz.) Gomont

Darbandy Gomaspan

L. allorgi Fermy

Serta spring, Graw Haji Omaran thermal spring, Piawan spring,spigra spring,

L . bipunctata  Lemmermann

Degala stream, Jazshnakan stream

L. birgei G.M. Smith

Bekhal spring, Graw Haji Omaran thermal spring, Shekhi Balakan spring, Azadi spring

L. chaetomorphe Iynger and Deskachary

Sisawa spring, Khrwatan spring, Sardaw spring

L. circumerata  G.M. Smith

Qush Tepe(silted channel on Arbil-Kirkuk road), Khrwatan spring, Sardaw spring

L. contorta Lemmermann

Degala stream

L. corbierei   Fremy

Degala stream, Smaqulu spring

L. cryptovaginata Schkorbatow

Lesser Zab River (Altun Kopre), Karhres Qoritan, Dolpa spring, Kassnazan impoundment, Dlopa basin

L. digueti Gomont

Kassnazan impoundment, Dlopa basin

L. epiphytica Hieron

Debaga spring, Beer a Baraza spring, Basstora spring, Degala stream

L. gardneri (Setchell and Gardner Geitler)

Kany- Hanjir, Piawan spring, Hamammok spring, Dlopa spring, Degala stream

L. gracilis Rabenh

Degala stream

L.hojdenii  Gomont

Krhres Qoritan, Shekhi Balakan spring, Graw Haji Omaran thermal spring,Chneran spring, Spigra spring

L. infixa Fremy

Gomaspan stream

L. kashiapii  Ghose

Korre stream, Jazshnakan Kahreeze, Wastewater, Azadi spring, Zar- gali thermal spring, Piawan spring, Qalasnji Khwara spring

L. kuetzingii Schmidle

Qush Tepe(silted channel on Arbil-Kirkuk road), Kanya Gawra(concret tank), Dermanawa spring, Rubary Koya, Basstora stream, Kasnazan Kahreeze, Gomasheen pond

L. lachneri (zimm.)Geitler

Kuna Dlopa spring, Korre stream, Shekhi Balakan spring, Zar gali thermal spring, Aqubani Saru spring, Piawan spring

L. lagerheimii   Gomont

Suse stream

L. laxespirialis Skuja

Wastewater( at Tarjan village) , Suse stream, Kasnazan impoundment, Kasnazan Kahreeze, Dlopa basin

L. limnetica Lemmer

Wastewater(at Saadawa village, Gamesh Tapa village)

L. lutea     (Ag.) Gomont

Jale thermal spring, Suse stream, Wastewater( at Tarjan village, Gamesh Tapa village), Kasnazan impoundment, Dlopa basin

L. martensiana Meneghini

Shekhi Balakan spring, Zar gali thermal spring, Sheraswar spring

L. mesotrica Skuja

Chneran spring

L. nordgardhii  Wille

Kany Gawra, Dlopa spring, Hamammok spring, Dermanawa spring, Mersaid thermal spring


L. perelegans Lemmermann

Darbandy Gomaspan stream

L. putealis  Montagne

Kany Shekh spring

L. semiplena  Wille

Kasnazan impoundment, Dlopa basin

L. taylorii Drouet and Strickland

Kasnazan impoundment, Dlopa basin, Wastewater(at Tooraq village, at Hawera sub district, Greater Zab River at Kudar area)

L. versicolor  (Wartmann)Gomont

Darbandy Gomaspan stream

4- Microcoleus acutissimus    Gardner

Darbandy Gomaspan stream, Gomasheen stream, Shekhi -Balakan spring, Graw Haji Omaran thermal spring, Piawan spring, Qalasnji saru spring, Haji Ahmad spring

M. paludosus (Ktz.) Gomont

Basstora stream, Graw Haji Omaran thermal spring, Sheraswar spring, Aqubani saru spring, Spigra spring, Seta spring

M. vaginatus (Vauch.) Gomont

Basstora stream, Zar gali thermal spring, Qalasnji Khwaru spring, Haji Ahmad spring, Wastewater(at Tooraq village, at Jimakah & Binberz village)

5-Oscillatoria  acuta Bruhl and Biswas

Kasnazan impoundment, Sulauke stream, Wastewater( at Arab-Kand village, at Tarjan village, Gamesh Tapa village)

O. acuminatum Gomont

Shekhi Balakan spring, Qalasnji Khwaru spring

Oacutissima Kufferath

Serta spring, Korre small stream, Bistana stream and spring, Khrwatan spring, Kany Shekh, Smaqulu spring, Kasnazan impoundment, Dlopa basin

O. agardhii Gomont

Kuna Dlopa spring, Rubary Koya, Hamammok spring, Sarta spring, Kany Harir, Sardaw spring, Sorad spring, Shekhi Balakan spring, Zar gali thermal spring, Grawi Haji Omaran thermal spring, Azadi spring, Aquabani Sara spring, Piawan spring, Haji Agha spring, Qalasnji Khwaru spring, Smaqulu spring, Wastewater(at Tooraq village, at Arab-Kand village), Gomasheen pond, Jazshnakan stream, Degala stream, Kasnazan spring, Kasnazan impoundment, Dlopa basin

O. amoena (Ktz.) Gomont

Shekhi Balakan spring, Zar gali thermal spring, Sarta spring, Haji Agha spring,Sheraswar spring

O. amoena var. nongranulata Ghose

Qush Tepe silted channel on Arbil –Kirkuk road, Pir Dawood pond, Grawi Haji Omaran thermal spring, Sarta spring, Kasnazan impoundment, Dlopa basin

O. amphibia Agardh

Bawyan spring near Batas, Mulla Omer fouled channel on Arbil Massif road

O. amphigranulata Van Goor

Bawyan spring near Batas, Bekhal spring, Grawi Haji Omaran thermal spring, Azadi spring, Aquabani saru spring, Spigra spring

O. anguina (Bory) Gomont

Dermanawa spring

O. animelis Agardh

Grawi Haji Omaran thermal spring, Azadi spring

O. annae  Gomont

Kahres Qoritan outflow on Arbil Makhmur road, Wastewater(at Saadawa village, Hawera sub district, Greater Zab River at Kudar area)

O. articulata Gardner

Wastewater( at Tooraq village, at Jimakah &Binberz village, Gamesh Tapa village)

O. boryana Bory

Kasnazan impoundment, Dlopa basin

O. brevis (Ktz.) Gomont


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