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Physico-chemical Characterization of Water Body with Special Reference to Battery, Power Sources and Metal Plating Effluents

Dhananjay Dwivedi1 and Vijay R. Chourey2

1 Department of Chemistry, PMB Gujarati Science College, Indore, 452001 India

2 Government Holkar Autonomous Science College, Indore, 452001 India

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.7.1.19

The World is facing a tremendous set of environmental problems which are due to the contaminated ground water and hazardous waste effluents coming out of process industries due to advanced industrialization in different field. Thus, it is essential to rectify this problem.

Water Bodies; Battery; Power Sources; Metal Plating Effluents

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Dwivedi D, Chourey VR. Physico-chemical Characterization of Water Body with Special Reference to Battery , Power Sources and Metal Plating Effluents. Curr World Environ 2012;7(1):125-131 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.7.1.19

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Dwivedi D, Chourey VR. Physico-chemical Characterization of Water Body with Special Reference to Battery , Power Sources and Metal Plating Effluents. Curr World Environ 2012;7(1):125-131. Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/?p=1986

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Received: 2012-04-03
Accepted: 2012-04-20


The life on the earth depends on the water. Everything originated in the water and sustain by water. It is most common abundant, indispensable, inorganic component of the earth’s environment, constitutes living matter predominantly. It is a prime resource and physiological necessity to mankind.

This work include the sample collection technique, collection, preservation and handling of collected sample. The collected samples were analyzed for the determination of Physico-chemical parameter i.e. colour, temperature, Eh, pH, specific conductivity, total solid, dissolved solids, acidity total hardness, alkalinity, TDIC, TOC, DO, BOD, COD & Phenols.1-2

Analysis of cadmium, chromium, nickel, copper, iron, lead, zinc, manganese, magnesium, arsenic, calcium & vanadium ions performed with the help of Flame Atomic Absorption spectroscopy.13-14

Carbonates, bicarbonates, sulphide, sulphate, phosphate, total-N, nitrate-N, nitrite-N, organic nitrogen and chlorides are analyzed using standard method.


The samples collected from the effluents at the time of mixing into the river khan were analyzed to determine various physico-chemical parameter and to study the preserve of cations and anione. As there are no. of different resourced which are discharging continuously their effluents in the river. Due to this a separate study was carried out on the effluents of each source at the function point and tabulized accordingly work is performed on the effluents discharge by,

  1. Battery and power sourced effluents.
  2. Metal plating effluents.

For the determinants of undertaken parameters, a set of four sample from each source on each data as given in the table were analyzed for the year 2005-06 and results are summarized in the subsequent tables.

Results and Discussion

Battery and power sources

The effluent contains toxic cations viz. Vi, Cd, Zn, Pb & traces of v. The major fractions constituted from this industry is lead it’s highest concentration was found in March and April. The values decreased largely in downstream. Ni was found in the range of 11.0.4 ppm, with a decreasing trend with season and year. Vanadium was identified from the residence of oil fired boilers and flue, liner, vanadium in water may be accounted for teaching from residence.


Table 1:Battery and Power Sources : Analysis of physico chemical characteristics of effluents Table 1: Battery and Power Sources : Analysis
of physico chemical characteristics of effluents

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Table 2: Battery and Power Sources : Analysis of physico chemical characteristics of effluents Table 2: Battery and Power Sources : Analysis
of physico chemical characteristics of effluents

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http://www.cwejournal.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/t035.jpg Table 3: Battery and Power Sources : Analysis
of physico chemical characteristics of effluents

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Table 4: Battery and Power Sources : Analysis of physico chemical characteristics of effluents Table 4: Battery and Power Sources : Analysis
of physico chemical characteristics of effluents

Click here to View table

The discharge from battery industries related particularly with the recyclic activity, contributes the major fraction of the toxic materials to the water of river khan. The COD, values were high owing to in organic chemicals. DO & BOD values followed decreasing trend towards downstream.

The efficient acidic in nature having pH<4.4 Though the quantity of discharge is less but it’s effects are considerably harmful to aquatic biota.

Among the major anions identified form the effluents were carbonated, sulphates, chlorides and phosphates.

The organic content was found to be high which are characteristics of the TDC values depicted as in the table (2T1 - 2T8). Apart from these, phenols were identified from the effluent of transformer and polymer processing wastes which are dumped in the vicinity of river Khan and related site.

Metal Plating/Refining

Because of diversified applications the waste effluent from electroplating contributed a variety of toxic and hazardous anions viz. carbonates, chlorides, sulphates and also the cations viz. copper, cadmium, zinc and nickel etc. The effluents directly taken from source differ in appearance owing to different processes.

Effluent was acidic in nature at source, which had slightly shifted to neutral after being discharged into the stream and at the downstream pH remained < 7.1.

Concentrations of total solids existed high in the effluent. The concentration at the source was highest in April and March. About 75% of total solids was present in dissolved state and remaining is in suspended form. Thus the dissolved solids increased total solids in suspended form. Thus the dissolved solids increased total solids in April.

The COD values increased with total solids while the BOD values does not reveal any significant observation.

Among cations chromium (o.5-30 mg/L) (0.3-13mg/L during Jan. 05-Nov. 05 and Nov. 05-Sept. 06 respectively and cadmium (at source) ranged (1.9-21mg/L) during Jan. 05 - Nov. 06 and (0.5 - 12 mg/L) during Nov. 05 - Sept. 06. In downstream the concentrations of chromium were also found very high and may be explained in terms of high sulphates and due to the low sedimentation property of chromium. In contrast to chromium, cadmium reduced completely in downstream. The

P- Parameter SS-Sampling Site I to IV
1. Color 21 Bicarbonate
2. Temperature °C 22 Carbonate
3. pH 23 Phenol
4. Eh in MV 24 Phosphate
5. Specific Conductivity    
in MS 25 Total N
6. Dissolve Solids 26 Nitrate-N
7. Suspended solids 27 Nitrite-N
8. Total Solids 28 Organic-N
9 Alkalinity 29 Iron
10 Total Hardness 30 Copper
11 Acidity 31 Nickel
12 T.O.C. 32 Manganese
13 T.D.I.C. 33 Cadmium
14 D.O. 34 Zinc
15 C.O.D. 35 Lead
16 B.O.D. 36 Chromium
17 Chloride 37 Magnesium
18 Sulphate 38 Vanadium
19 Sulphite 39 Calcium
20 Sulphide 40 Tin
41 Arsenic    

Mean concentration (except colour, temperature & pH)  expressed in Mg./L

G - Gray, T - Turbid, Bf - Buff, n.d. - Not Detected

presence of ions in the source needs special attention as it concerts more Cr(VI) to Cr (III) resulting in high dissolved concentration of Cr (III). Apart from these, nickel and zinc were also contributed from other pools constituting a mined effluent.

The metal refining processor also discharge highly toxic forms of metallic species such as vanadium, lead etc. High levels of lead were detected in the out coming effluents. The results of analysis is given in table from (2T9-2T16).


The effluents coming into water body (Pond) is characterized to be highly acidic in nature having pH<4.4. Though the quantity of discharge from industrial unit is less but it’s effects are considerably harmful to aquatic biota. The waste effluents from electroplating contributed a variety of toxic and hazardous anions as discussed on the basis of available date of study.


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