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Polyhydroxyalkanoates (Phas), Intracellular Pathways and Properties

Hasan Diba1 * , Reza Seifi-Kashani2 , Shohreh Tavakkoli2 and Saeid Malek-Mohammadi3

Corresponding author Email: hasan.diba@ymail.com

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.10.Special-Issue1.78

Manufacturing of hard biodegradable petroleum based plastics harmfully affect the environment. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) naturally produced as carbon storage polymer by various Monera kingdom microorganisms, resemble synthetic polymers in many chemical and physical properties. Renewable and biodegradable features made attracted much attention to these polyester bond polymers. PHAs extraction studied in many microorganisms made it naturally or engineered, where Poly 3-hydroxybutyric acid (PHB) is the most common. Main enzymes involved in PHB synthesis by Ralstonia eutropha encode by phbCAB gen cluster. Production of polyester particles is induced by excess quantity of carbon sources and nitrogen or some other factors starvation. PHAs production costs are still a drawback to wide usage, the future trend should focus on more efficient and economical processes developing for PHA production.

Bioplastics; Polyhydroxyalkanoates(PHAs); Microorganisms; Pathways

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Diba H, Seifi-Kashani R, Tavakkoli S, Malek-Mohammadi S. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (Phas), Intracellular Pathways and Properties. Special Issue of Curr World Environ 2015;10(Special Issue May 2015). DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.10.Special-Issue1.78

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Diba H, Seifi-Kashani R, Tavakkoli S, Malek-Mohammadi S. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (Phas), Intracellular Pathways and Properties. Special Issue of Curr World Environ 2015;10(Special Issue May 2015). Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/?p=10889

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Received: 2014-11-31
Accepted: 2014-11-04


Manufacturing of plastics requires multiple amounts of petroleum; affect the environment harmfully (Bubacz and Goldsbery, 2014). The term “biomaterials” includes chemically unrelated products that are synthesized by organisms under different environmental conditions Luengo et al., 2003). Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) linear structure made biologically by diverse set of repeating ester bond units, where poly 3-hydroxybutyric acid (PHB) made by hydroxybutyrate units (Shakeri et al., 2011) is the most common (Singh and Parmar, 2011). PHAs accumulates water insoluble (Shakeri et al., 2011) carbon storage intracellular polymers (Sing and Parmar, 2011), have no osmotic pressure effects (Ksekdau et al., 2003).

PHAs naturally produced by various prokaryotic microorganisms including archaea and bacteria (Shakeri et al., 2011) either gram positive or gram negative (Elsayed et al., 2013) and some phototrophic cyanobacteria (McQualter et al., 2014; Schlebusch et al., 2013). They resembles synthetic polymers in many chemical and physical properties (Bagheriasl et al., 2012; Mullaney and Rehm, 2010), have been produced for use as bulk commodity plastics, fishing lines, and medical uses (Lu et al., 2009) such as pharmacy and drug delivery systems (Shakeri et al., 2011). PHAs have also attracted much attention as biodegradable polymers that can be produced from bio renewable resources (Lu et al., 2009).

PHA Synthesis Pathway

Our Knowledge about PHB production derived from Ralstonia eutropha (Jo et al., 2007) also known as Cupriavidus necator, Wautersia eutropha, and Alcaligenes eutrophus  (Kocharin, 2012). A single chain translational fusion protein comprising three enzymes is required to establish the PHB biosynthesis pathway (Mullaney and Rehm, 2010). Enzymatic activities involved in PHB synthesis codes by phbCAB operon (Jo et al. 2007) as phbCAB gen cluster (Peralta-Gil et al. 2002). These enzymes are PHA synthase, NADPH-dependent acetoacetyl-CoA reductase, and β-ketothiolase encoded by phbC, phbA, and phbB genes, respectively (Ojume and Solomon 2003). Peralta-Gil et al. (2002) reported, in Azotobacter vinelandii the phbR transcriptional activator gene located upstream of phbBAC, belonging AraC family of activators (Peralta-Gil et al., 2002). The PHA synthesis can be summarized in eight pathways showed in fig. 1.

 Figure 1- Biosynthesis of PHA pathways (Chen, 2010).

Figure 1: Biosynthesis of PHA pathways (Chen, 2010).
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The expression PHB synthesis is post transcriptional at the level of β-ketothiolase activity, which catalyzes the first step of PHB synthesis (Peralta-Gil et al., 2002). Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and isocitrate dehydrogenase are NADP+ regenerating enzymes as cosubstrate of acetoacetyl-CoA reductase, one of three key enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of PHB (Yamane, 1992). CoA inhibits β-ketothiolase activity under relaxed oxygen conditions by feeding acetyl coenzyme A into the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Under oxygen limitation and carbon excess conditions, NAD(P)H level increases, inhibits citrate synthase and isocitrate dehydrogenase. The level of acetyl-CoA and lowering the CoA has elevated by inhibiting these two enzymes, inhibition of β-ketothiolase by CoA is overcome and allows synthesis of PHB to proceed (Peralta-Gil et al. 2002).

Many genes encoding various enzymes directly or indirectly involved in PHA synthesis. Table 1 summarized pathways, abbreviation, and involved enzymes in PHAs synthesis.

Table 1: Synthesis pathways for PHAs (Chen, 2010).










Pathway I




Pathway V


4-Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase




NADPH dependent aceto-acetyl CoA reductase





4-Hydroxybutyrate-CoA:CoA transferase




PHA synthase


Pathway VI


Lactonase, putative


Associated way


PHA depolymerase



Hydroxyacyl-CoA synthase, putative






Pathway VII


Alcohol dehydrogenase, putative




-dependent acetoacetyl-CoA reductase


Pathway VIII


Cyclohexanoll dehydrogenase




PHA synthase




Cyclohexanone monooxygenase


Pathway II


3-Ketoacyl-CoA reductase




Caprolactione hydrolase







6-Hydroxyhexanoate dehydrogenase




(R)- Enoyl-CoA hydratas elenoyl-CoA hydratase I




6-Oxohexanoate dehydrogenase



Acetyl-CoA oxidase, Putative



Semialdehyde dehydrogenase, Putative



Acetyl-CoA hydratase I, putative



6-Hydroxyhexanoate dehydrogenase, putative


Pathway III



3-Hydroxyacyl-ACP-CoA transferase Malonyl CoA-ACP transacylase



Hydroxyacyl-CoA synthase, putative


Pathway IV


NADPH-dependent acetoacetyl-CoA reductase





Succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase



Bioplastics are an alternative substitute for petrochemical synthetic plastics (Ismail et al., 2010), preferred candidates for developing controlled release drug delivery vehicles and also can be used in biomedical implants and biofuels (Elsayed, 2013). Bioplastics are becoming increasingly prominent owing mainly to scarcity of oil, increase in the cost of petroleum based commodities, and growing environmental concerns with the dumping of non biodegradable plastics in landfills (Chen, 2014).

Cellular production of PHAs may be more “green” as compared to the use of specific metal catalysts for the production of polymers. The biosynthetic incorporation of specific monomers into PHA polymers is dependent on many factors that include the type of carbon source that the microorganisms are grown on (Lu et al., 2009). The culture conditions have main effects to induce PHA production, where different species of single genus don’t even have the same physiological response when exposed to the same culture conditions (Shakeri et al., 2011).

Production of polyester particles is induced when carbon source is in excess quantity or growth conditions have been imbalanced by declining other nutrient factors (Shakeri et al. 2011). PHAs extraction studied in many research from variety of microorganism including Azotobacter spp. (Khanafari et al., 2006), lactic acid bacteria (Ksekdau et al., 2003), Bacillus spp. (Chaijamrus and Udpuay, 2008), Ralstonia spp. (Shakeri er al., 2011), Azomonas sp. (Elsayed et al., 2013) Paracoccus denitrificans (Yamane, 1992), Azotobacter vinelandii (Peralta-Gil et al., 2002), Serratia sp. (Keshavarz and Roy, 2010), Sinorhizobium sp. (Shakeri et al., 2011), Enterobacter aerogenes (Aslam et al., 2013) and some engenieerd bacteria such as Escherichia coli (Mullaney and Rehm, 2010), Aeromonas hydrophila (Enan and Bashady 2004) and eukaryotic Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Kocharin, 2013).

The viability of microbial large scale production of PHB is dependent on the development of a low cost process. The commercial production of PHB has reported by using cheap substrates such as methanol, beet molasses, ethanol, starch, whey, molasses, and soy in articles (Wei et al., 2009). Khanafari et al. (2006) reported, PHB production by Azotobacter chroococcum on whey broth medium without extra salt can be was higher than other examined commercial media in their own research (Khanafari et al. 2006). Ksekdau et al. (2003) reported, Lactobacillus spp. produce the most PHB between lactic acid bacteria, where no significant correlation was observed between PHB production and the cell densities (Ksekdau et al., 2003). Chaijamrus and Udpuay (2008) had a research on PHB production by Bacillus megaterium utilizing commercial nutrients, concluded the highest production was observed after 45h of growth when 4% molasses and 4% corn sleep liquor respectively as carbon and  nitrogen sources were used (Chaijamrus and Udpuay, 2008).


Establishing industrial biotechnology for the production of chemical compounds from the biosynthetic pathway has received a significant boost with the implementation of metabolic engineering, produce new products with higher yield and productivities (Kocharin et al., 2012). The increasing effects of non degradable plastic wastes is a growing concern environmental problems (Enan et al., 2004; Suriyamongkol et al., 2007). The versatility of PHAs has made them good candidates for the study of their potential in a variety of areas from biomedical fields to food, packaging, textile and household materials (Keshavarz and Roy, 2010). Renewable PHAs biodegradable macromolecule polyesters naturally produced by many species of prokaryotic microorganisms, these features make them superior to their petroleum based plastics rival.

Depending on PHAs microbial origin, bioplastics differ in their monomer composition, macromolecular structure and physical properties. Most of them are biodegradable and biocompatible, which makes them extremely interesting from the biotechnological point of view (Luengo et al., 2003).  PHAs production costs are still a drawback to PHAs wide usage, the future trend should focus on more efficient and economical processes developing for PHA production, isolation, purification and improvement of PHA material properties.


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