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Evaluate the Performance of the Municipal and Council, Within the Framework Good Urban Governance (Case Study: Golestan Town)

Nemat Hosseinzadeh1 * , Gholam Hassan Shirazi2 , Nabi Ohani zenoz3 , Seyed Morteza Ghasemzadeh4 and Hassan Lotfi Talab4

1 Department of Architecture, Sama Technical and Vacatinal training College, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr, Branch, Islamshahr, Iran

2 Islamic Azad University, Branch Rey City, Iran

3 University, Kharazmi Tehran, Iran

4 Islamic Azad University Eslamshahr Branch, Iran

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.10.Special-Issue1.132

One of the funniest and most successful paradigms in the field of urban management, Model of good urban governance is actually a form of participatory urban management system that three institutions of civil society, private sector and government to participate in all relevant decisions. The centrality of urban governance, urban management, based on democratic and egalitarian development, to influence the forces of interest and influence in the affairs of the city and also meet all the needs of these groups are. This study examines the implementation of good urban governance indicators in Golestan discussed. Type of applied research -development of analytical methods, it is. Data was collected using questionnaires and field studies have been conducted and a library. According to an annual performance review of the municipal and council of Golestan It was concluded that performance management and good urban governance has been a year in the city. And for the better all-round good urban governance factors and therefore the satisfaction of the citizens of urban management, should be a thorough and comprehensive revision of some of the city's plan. Recommendations for improving good governance at the end municipal level implementations is presented.

Good urban governance; Urban management; Partnerships; Golestan town

Copy the following to cite this article:

Hosseinzadeh N, Shirazi G. H, Zenoz N. O, Ghasemzadeh S. M, Talab H. L. Evaluate the Performance of the Municipal and Council, Within the Framework Good Urban Governance (Case Study: Golestan Town). Special Issue of Curr World Environ 2015;10(Special Issue May 2015). DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.10.Special-Issue1.132

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Hosseinzadeh N, Shirazi G. H, Zenoz N. O, Ghasemzadeh S. M, Talab H. L. Evaluate the Performance of the Municipal and Council, Within the Framework Good Urban Governance (Case Study: Golestan Town). Special Issue of Curr World Environ 2015;10(Special Issue May 2015). Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org?p=786/

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Received: 2014-11-26
Accepted: 2014-11-12


Urban management system is like other institutions in the society, and citizens’ exchange and interaction act. People's involvement in civic affairs is of the most commonly way of national development, Utility amazing experience and enthusiasm of the local public administration, the public's desire for greater national stimulate jobs and they rely on local participation to obtain useful results, are willing to partnerships in the country's largest (Toosi, 2002). With forecasts of more than 66 percent of the population in cities by 2020, the world has become a global city. The future of urban management in general and specifically in the 21st century will be involved in a challenge; the challenge itself is a function of technological change, demographic, economic, political and international is considered. The increasing scale and complexity, intensity and extent of urban issues and also reveals the inadequacy of traditional systems and top-down decision making, Because there is a trend towards systems that Where small and big decisions are taken with the participation of urban interests. Therefore approach is "good urban governance" as the most effective, least costly and most sustainable management practices are introduced. One of most important aspects of good urban governance theory is the principle and foundation of the partnership because the idea of "popular sovereignty" rests. This means that the government will take office on (Dekker & Kempen (2004). Like other small towns, the town of Golestan centralized management and approach is from top to bottom. Therefore revised system of urban management in Golestan Due to structural changes and new approaches are being actively discussed in the context of urban management has been approved. In addition, new approaches must be consistent with the conditions in complying with the City of effective approaches to the city used to improve urban management, until recent years have raised the issue of urban governance with emphasis on equitable development be achieved. This article aims to review and assess the annual performance of the municipal council and municipal governance in Golestan and the characteristics and needs it on a theoretical level, the requirements of urban management, urban management's current evaluation system from the perspective of the requirements of model Golestan "Urban governance" urban.

Objectives of Research

This study evaluated the performance of the municipal and council one year in Golestan, in the context of good urban governance, to achieve this objective, using the analytical method the annual gathering of the council and the city council and continues to prove or disprove the hypotheses were examined.

Research Hypotheses

  1. The Looks Council and Golestan municipal urban governance in creating infrastructure and welfare services in rural and urban areas to pursue justice?
  2. The Looks, the annual municipal and council the city's Golestan in line with good governance?

Theoretical Foundations

Definition of governance

The theoretical definition of governance is a step ahead of the government. The government is but an institution of governance, an interactive process between the formal institutions of government and other elements are formed. And policies and decisions arise out of the interaction. In continuation of this process can become an entrenched institution that has the capacity to manage society (Athari, et al, 2008). Good urban governance ensures that the views of minorities are taken into consideration and the voice of the vulnerable in society is heard in decision-making. Good governance and civil society will respond to current and future needs (Farzin Pak, 2004).

Of citizenship

As it become clear from the derivation of citizenship. Advanced form of citizenship "urbanization" know. Of citizenship is a membership position containing a set of rights, duties and obligations on equality, justice and independence is denotation. Registration on or off individual of citizenship in the state, with equal rights and obligations in certain specified level. of citizenship and social position in relation to the three types of rights including civil rights - political rights and social rights associated; of citizenship standing to show that the law be granted. However, this concept suggests that people in positions of authority or political unit of society have rights. Of citizenship is more than a theory, a concept that recognizes the conditions for full participation in society (Pour Burke, N., 2007).

Urban Management

Management means planning, organizing, monitoring and motivation is. The city is regarded as one of and necessary at the top and to manage the affairs of the city, which is the technical name. City Manager for the City, plans to conduct regulated activities and the activities performed urban surveillance and to make matters even motivation to establish (Shiea, 2003). It is clear that the characteristics and structures of legal institutions governing are different from country to country and Due to the structure of society and every social, economic and political self-definition or a particular conception of urban management. Urban management institutions, organizations and individuals who are said to be effective in the management process are formally or informally. The municipal and city council, city management is not and only way any element in the management process is in effect in this area.

The geographical location of the study area

City Baharestan (Figure 1), with 67 square kilometers, equivalent to 5/0% of total area of Tehran, a city of 16 districts of Tehran province in the south west of the province is located in and center of Golestan (Planning Department Governor of Tehran, 1390). City Baharestan by dividing the country into two parts (Golestan and Bustan) and 4 district (Meymenat, Saleh Abad, E. Abad and Hamadanak) is divided in 7 villages which 6 villages with a population and one village haunted.

 Figure 1- political-administrative divisions of the city of Baharestan in 1391

Figure 1: political-administrative divisions of the city of Baharestan in 1391
Click here to View figure

of Golestan

Golestan (Sultanabad) until 1355 for agricultural activities is seen as a rural spot after the incident, two important phenomena such as the Islamic Revolution and the war led to the Sultanabad immigrants were considered to be close to Tehran; In such a way a population of 778 people in 1355 to 8,429 cases in 1365 and reached a growth rate of 3% between the 45 and 55 to 37% between 65 and 70 years respectively (Table 1).

Table 1: Number and rate of population growth from 1365 to 1390 Golestan




























Population growth





Rate of Growth


Extract from the General Census of Population and Housing 1971-2011

The population of the city in 1375 with the incorporation of surrounding villages (Ghalemir, Sabzdasht, kolme, and Nasir- Abad) was estimated to be 126,264. Population growth rate in 1385 Gstan 3/6 percent increase to 231,905 people.

Research findings

The findings of this study suggest that the municipal and council Golestan over the last year to good urban governance is thus both hypotheses prove to be.

Hypothesis (i)

It seems Golestan council and municipal governance in creating infrastructure and welfare services in rural and urban areas to pursue justice?

Table 2: Welfare facilities and services in rural parts of the city of Baharestan






Emam zade bagher

Meymenat abad


Village services








Education, Culture and Sports







Guidance Boys







Guidance girls







High School Boys







High School Girls







Public Library







Physical location






















Muslims and other religious places







Religious places of other religions.







Islamic Village Council

Political and administrative







Agriculture Service Center






Rural cooperatives








Electricity, gas and water





Gas Piping







Water piping







Water treatment system







Public Bathroom








Health Center












Home Health







Birth center














Experimental dentist or dental surgeon







Nurse or midwife in rural














Social workers














Veterinary Technician















Post Office







Office of Telecommunications







Public Internet access







Access to public transport







Access to newspapers and magazines







Shop Cooperative

Commerce and services







Super Market





















Coffee house







Farm machinery repair shop

Statistical Center of Iran, extracted from the Census of Population and Housing 90-1970

Hypothesis (ii)

It looks like the year the city council and municipal of the town Golestan in line with good governance?

Table 3: Annual performance Municipal and Council Golestan
click here to view Table

Continued table 3- Annual performance Municipal and Council Golestan



Name of project


312 Number

Thoroughfares in City level

Run foundations and the installation of lights


1317 m


The table in (total)


115 Number


Install the couch


16 Number


Of New Jersey


70 m

Campus police

Construction of sanitary protection


60 Number



Running boards and foundations and the installation of the flagpole


150 m

Car parking Justice

Canopy Construction


200 m

Sabzdasht under the overpass and school Ave.

Mark rail


3,200 square feet

City streets

Spots, and the asphalt


35 Number



Construction and installation of the valve manufacturing and installation of steel bridge and concrete slab to Bridge finance


105 Number

In City level

Nice work with the installed seat


40 Number


Shelter laying off police protection


30 Number

Mir Castle

Shelter laying off police protection


6 Number


Run foundations of input and output boards (welcome)


70 Number

Sabzdasht St. and School St.

Pagination scalar under Bridge aerial City level




Installation bench umbrella (implementation and installation of foundations)




City traffic signage and street


150 m

The judiciary in Golestan

Canopy Construction Vehicle


70% of the work done

Ladies Park

Shielded wiring box cover


1 ring

Shelter police Sabzdasht

Wellbore to the sanitary sewer


1 ring

Justice in Golestan

Wellbore to the sanitary sewer


(Field study authors, weekly political, economic and cultural agencies in Tehran, 2014)

Conclusions and Suggestions

In continuation of traditional management practices in developing countries, rapid urbanization has brought ruin to the city, the need to strengthen local governments and public and private sector participation in the planning and management of urban development is inevitable. It is now clear that the problems of rapid urbanization in these countries, only by reforming traditional approaches to the management and use of new approaches of management possible. Centralized management of the state and the inability of the public sector (municipalities) and the government's budget deficit was due to a drop in private investment and infrastructure participation of citizens, the environmental situation in the civil servants and cities. therefore necessary to eliminate unsustainable urban development in developing countries overcome the instability of housing management institutions and urban planning, effective implementation, effectiveness and accountability in municipal administration, delegation of responsibilities, authorities, and powers to local governments and other local stakeholders; That all of these new ways of managing cities and urban governance to name implies. Rejection of complex urban societies and consequently multiplicity of actors and forces affecting urban life at local scales, National and regional integration in order to achieve the necessary spatial justice may be the most important argument for the necessity of urban governance and management is to replace the previous method. The pattern of urban management is less direct executive responsibility and more opportunities for strategic planning and management approach is provided. Here is a top-down urban management and citizen participation in urban governance is inherent in it. The present study showed that the Municipal and Council Golestan over the last year to good urban governance is thus both hypotheses were confirmed.

Guidelines and Suggestions

• Link to more urban communities, especially the citizens of the City Council meetings increased, meetings and seminars and take advantage of the views of citizens in setting regulations. • Clarification of policies, laws and regulations

• Clarification of policies, laws and regulations in the field of construction and development projects.

• According to mostrespondents commented on the lack of system and network level in order to reflect the opinions, ideas, feedback and complaints from citizens, city management, development of information networks and communication will play a significant role in increasing citizen participation.

• Participating in Golestan educate the general public during the planning process stepinclusive.

• Golestan urban management and decentralization of decision-making authority with accountability.

In the end we can say that if good governance criteria in this study were made public in the city is implemented and adhered to, increased citizen participation in local governance, while most respondents did not meet the requirements of the most important reasons for their disengagement from civic leaders as they.


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