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Biological Risk Assessment of Automobile Companies- A Case Study of Saipa as the Second Largest Iranian Car Manufacturer

Samira Seifalian1 , Hossein Yadegari2 and Akbar Mokhtari Azar3 *

1 Department of Bachelor of Environmental Health Engineering, University of Medicine, Qazvin, Iran

2 Hospital Management Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Health, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Medical Branch, Tehran, Iran

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.9.1.11

In every careers and fields there are cases that known as risk and places that are categorized in biological risk centers that can be classified into specific classes. In HSE field also there are risk centers that can be indentified and validated separately and specifically.In definition; places and situation that are capable of existing or creating risk or can be a potential source of making risk are named risk centers. Risk centers in hygiene, immunity, and environment are different and have independent and separated identification. According to their extent of operating; these centers are less or more.In this investigation; tried to recording the huge part of biological risk centers in Saipa company. For this reason; a research plan was done for 12 months. That the first three months spent for searching on net and theorical investigation. Then, for nine months and with four experts biological risk centers were identify and related data was gathered and listed with software program Excel. The repeated cases were removed. After recognizing the biological risk centers, by operating method of number PJ-01-001 that is adoption of FMEA method, the risk were validated. In this evaluation every points were investigated and categorized into high, medium and low risk according to their occurrence, level of risk, frequency of occurrence, exposure to risk, control actions and ability of discovering risk. In the last four months, for the cases that categorized in high and medium risk fixing measures and actions were done. Related to unremitting and investigation; the cases that were in accordance with personnel, were noticed and a large number of these cases eliminated (about so percent) and the parts that needed. Instructions and appropriate actions were programmed and now are available for eliminate contradictions.Finally, it was determined since performing and noticing are not done and there is no training for it, it's not expectable that risk centers can be eliminated. According to this assessment, unremitting and continuing this process, in hygiene field, center of biological risk points were recognized and were diminished from 55 to 22 in less than four months.At last, considering the fact that the probability of occurring new risks are obvious; continuing the investigation and identification are recommended.

Inspection; The Focus of Biological Risk; Health and Safety; Risk Assessment; Saipa CO; Corrective Action

Copy the following to cite this article:

Seifalian S, Yadegari H, Azar A. M. Biological Risk Assessment of Automobile Companies- A Case Study of Saipa as the Second Largest Iranian Car Manufacturer. Curr World Environ 2014;9(1) DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.9.1.11

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Seifalian S, Yadegari H, Azar A. M. Biological Risk Assessment of Automobile Companies- A Case Study of Saipa as the Second Largest Iranian Car Manufacturer. Curr World Environ 2014;9(1). Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/?p=5710

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Received: 2014-01-12
Accepted: 2014-03-02


Human being has afallible naturewhose mistakesare inevitable. Thereby, from ancient timespeopleare looking forwaysto reducetheirriskoferrors.In other words,  by improving workplace conditions,  well-designing the equipment, and adopting appropriate strategies, the risk-generating factors should be minimize as much as possible(Ahmadi 2005b). Prior to 1931, safety experts tend to focus on physical  strategies such as machine guards, regardless of discipline and grooming considerations.

They believed that accidents are caused by inappropriate physical conditions.Preventive actions such as awareness programs by posters, brochures, training workshops,  etc.  could also be effective factor in mitigating risky activities. According to which, the individuals at risk will learn how to control incidences. Heinrich offered a total of ten items  including theories and concepts  of industrial safety rules(Lees Frank 2004 ; Whittingham 2004; Jahangiri 2004). Following Heinrich’s thoughts, attentions have paid to the importance of unsafe activities as a main risk-generating factor in industries (Ahmadi 2005a).

In 1960s,  there was emphasized on preventive engineering on reduced technical defect and increased equipment reliability and safety barriers. After plane crashes in 1974, and1980  as well as Three Miles Island in 1979, attention has drawn towards other issues of human fallibility, better education, improvement of human interactions - machinery, and support systems for the  respond to the reduction and prevention of the spread of "human error"(Reason 2000; Ghalenoy 2006; Grozdanović2006).

Possibility index of human error is a quantitative and dynamic approach for taking into account human factors in risk assessment. This index is a method for identifying, evaluating and mitigating the risks associated with human errorsduring emergencyconditions(DiMattia et al. 2005, Khan et al. 2006). Carlos Conte et al. (2011) presented a generalized utility model for the diagnosis and prediction of accidents among the Spanish workforce with the aim of managing automatically work-related accidents at a national level.Jasch and Lavicka in 2006 was done a research on health and safety risk management of the Styrian automobile cluster in Austria. They prepared a management plan which is useful for small and medium sized companies as a starting point to shape their (EHS) system.

The present study aims atassessing biological risk center of Saipa Company as the second largest Iranian auto manufacturer.


The present study lasted for  12 mounts  in Saipa Company as the second largest auto-manufacturer  in Iran. . Accordingly, three environmental experts spent  6 mounts to detect  biological risk centers in all parts of the company such as Production Unit including Painting Unit No. 1, Painting Unit No. 2, Body Unit No. 1,Body Unit No. 2,Assembly Unit No. 1, Assembly Unit No. 2, Press and non-production parts such as Power Post ,Gas Central, Power House , fuel tanks , polymer, C.M.M ,chemistry, metallurgy and mechanic, chemical material, Etka,Shirazi land, Saipa3, Seico, Sale, Saipa5,office,clinic, triple salon , maintenance ,technical affairs, restaurant, public places, road test, treatment plant, waste, underground canals,  andstreets. The collected data were  recorded, separately.

The famous PDCA Cycle suggested by Dr. Demingwere used to detectand record risky processes. After identifying  risky centers, appropriate strategies were presented to combat the risks.

Using Cocran formula, the  number of visiting was  calculated for each month  in separation of different unities in the company.

According to available data and Cocaran formula, the number of visiting  was 29 for each month. Using the Excel Software, a total of 29 - 46 places were selected to be visited in each month.

After detecting  all risky centers during  the study period of 6 months, some weekly meetings were held in which  HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) managers, maintenance and repairs, technical and energy services managers  were participated in order to find proper mitigation measures. Finally, a corrective action planrelated to manufacturing and administrative units was prepared containing managerial strategies on maintenance and repairs, as well astechnical and energy services.

Corrective actions  could be categorize in two types, one is related to equipments and another is associated with personnel behavior resolved by  different ways (culture-buildingtrainings,  brochures, pamphlets, etc). Subsequently, Procedure number PJ-01-001 was used to evaluate risk levels of each risky centers based upon criteria occurrence probability, occurrence probability and intensity.This method includes those requirements recommended by the standard OHSAS 18001, 2007. Table 1 is a sample checklist of PJ-01-001 Procedure derived from FMEA Method by which risky factors are evaluated based on a three-point qualitative scale (high, medium and low).
 Table1- a sample checklist of PJ-01-001 ................ Table1- a sample checklist of PJ-01-001 Procedure to classify biological risky centers in Saipa Company.
Click here to View table
For determination risk identified rate according to appendix form 1, at first compute intense and probability of occurrence risk from below table then determination risk rate according to evaluating matrix.

In order to classify risky centers, the occurrence probability and intensity were initially be determined using Tables 2 and 3. Afterwards, they were ranked using the evaluating matrix. Occurrence intensity: The occurrence intensity was measured based on economic damages and losses to the personnel.

Table 2-Intense rating determination
Human rating
Death of more than 1 person 7
Death of 1 person 6
Disability over 60% 5
Disability over  30% up to 60%
Disability 10% up to 30%
Disability less than 10%
Medical break of 7 days up to 1month 4
Medical break of 2days up to 7 3
1 day Medical break 2
First aid 1
Occurrence probability was determined as follows using the coefficients in Tables 3, 4 and 5.
  1. Probability outcome (coefficient 6) (Table 3)
  2. Degree of exposure (coefficient 8) (Table 3)
  3. human and engineering control actions (coefficient 10) (Table 4)
  4. Ability to discover (coefficient 4) (Table 5)

The average of the mentioned coefficients was calculated using the following equation:

P-(4*ability to discovery + 6* outcome frequency + 8*degree of exposure + 10* control action)/28       ... (1)

Each of the factors was also calculated according to Tables 2,3 and4. If the probability result is a decisional number, the value will be roundedto one decimal place using the Equation 2.


Table 3- Outcome frequency and exposure to risky factors
Coefficient Outcome frequency  Coefficient Exposure to risk
Safty Occupation Health General Health Person/Place
10 Every day happening 10 Every day exposure > 480 More than 2000  people
9 One day among 9 Every other day 420-479 1001-1999
8 Once a week 8 Once a week 360-419 501-1000
7 mid-week 7 mid- week 300-359 301-500
6 Once a month 6 Once a month 240-299 201-300
5 Every other 3 months 5 Every other 3 months 180-239 101-200
4 Every other 6 months 4 Every other 6 months 120-179 51-100
3 Once a year 3 Once a year 60-119 11-50
2 Once in 1-5 years 2 Once in 5 years 30-59 2-10
1 Once in more than 10 years 1 Once in more than 10 years < 29 1
Table 4- Rating for the scope of control actions required
Human Rate Engineering Rate
Lack of awareness 2 Lack of control action 8-10
Lack of personal protective equipment 2  Low effectiveness of control action 8- 6
Lack of job satisfaction 2 Medium effectiveness of control action 4- 6
Lack of job skills 2 Good effectiveness of control action 2-4
Lack of health 2 Full effectiveness of control action 0-2
 10                     Overall rating     10                                                     Rating
Table 5-  prioritization of risks
Discovery Rating Example
Quite obvious risk 1Ùˆ2 The risk is easily recognized from a distance
It is understood by all five senses 4Ùˆ3 Noise / light and ... Etc. has created
Only one of the five senses can detect 6Ùˆ5 Just seen or heard or ...
Should be used for the diagnosis of simple tools 8Ùˆ7 The phase meter, thermometer conventional
Advanced tools are required to use 9Ùˆ10 Sensor or a digital tool
Results: The studies showed that the biological risky centers detected during the six month of 2010 (September 23, 2010 to March 21, 2011) was 55 and in the next four months of 2011 correction action for all of the risky centers was issued. As a result, at the end of the fourth month the number of risky centers was reduced from 55 to 22 in the company; 60% reduction in this less period in a large industrial company is a really good success.
 Figure 1 The reduction ..... Figure 1 The reduction of biological risky centers in Saipa Company in duration of four month
Click here to View figure
Biological risky centers differ according to personnel function in production and administrative halls. A brief description is given in table 6. However, it should be mentioned that some of these biological risky centers are common halls because as they have been detected in the WC (health services).

Table 6- The couple of examples of biological risky centers in company
Production halls (place) Administrative halls (place) Others places and common halls (place)
Small distance between the personnel  Desks surfaces and keyboards being contaminated (polluted or dirty) The WC Being contaminated (polluted or dirty)
Eating food on the floor and dirty cartons Being ill and carriers servitor No trash door
Of contaminated protective devices(earmuff) Glasses being contaminated(dirty glasses) Water tap damage in WC (bathroom)
The result of evaluation on biological risky centers in production halls is shown in table 7 and tables 8 -13 shows the evaluation of biological risky centers in non-production parts of the company.

Table 7- The results of evaluation of biological risky centers in production halls.
Place Total High Medium Low
Production Body 1 33 2 13 18
Body 2 33 2 13 18
Press 33 0 13 20
Die tools 33 0 10 23
paint 1 32 2 13 17
paint 2 33 0 14 19
 Assembly 1 33 2 13 18
Assembly 2 34 2 18 14
As you can see in table 7 amount of risk in high, medium and low are up to 2, 18 and 23 cases respectively in production halls.

Table 8- The results of evaluation of biological risky centers in buildings
 Place Total High Medium Low
Buildings office 34 0 2 32
Clinic 33 0 2 31
As shown in table 8, there is no high risk case in buildings and there are 2 and 32 cases for medium and low risk respectively.

Table 9- The results of evaluation of biological risky centers in energy resources buildings
 Place Total High Medium Low
energy resources Power post 2 0 0 2
Gas central 2 0 0 2
powerhouse 29 0 3 26
Fuel tanks 2 0 0 2
As shown in table 9, there is no high risk case in energy resources buildings and there are 3 cases with medium risk and for low risk cases there are 26 cases in power house and 2 cases in other places (Fuel tanks,gas centraland power posts).

Table 10- The results of evaluation of biological risky centers in laboratories
 Place Total High Medium Low
Laboratories polymer 12 0 1 11
C.M.M 33 0 2 31
chemistry 12 0 1 11
power 12 0 1 11
Metallurgy & mechanic 12 0 1 11

As shown in table 10, there is no high-risk case in laboratories but there are 2 and 11 cases in medium risk and low risk, respectively, just in C.M.M there is 2 cases with medium risk and 31 cases with low risk.

Table 11 -The results of evaluation of biological risky centers in storages
 Place Total High Medium Low
Warehouse Receipt of goods 30 0 2 28
Chemical material 30 0 2 28
Non-production 30 0 4 26
production 30 0 7 23
As shown in table 11, there is no high-risk case in storages but there are 7 and 28 cases with medium and low risk respectively.

Table 12-The results of evaluation of biological risky centers in out of company
 Place Total High Medium Low

Out of company






Shirazi land





Saipa 3















Saipa 5





Out of company are places that do some of the business companies in abroad. As shown in Table 12, the subsidiary centers have no high-risk cases and there are 4 and 31 cases with medium and low risk respectively.

Table 13-The results of evaluation of biological risky centers in workshops
 Place Total High Medium Low
Workshops Technical affairs 29 0 4 25
Triple salon 29 0 5 24
Maintenance 29 0 4 25
The variation of job (thing) in workshops usually is the same, for this reason the number of biological risky centers in all of them is the same - 29 cases. As shown in Table 13, workshops (production halls) have no high-risk cases and there are 5 and 25 cases with medium and low risk respectively.

Table 14 -The results of evaluation of biological risky centers in site
 Place Total High Medium Low
site Restaurant 41 2 32 7
Public places 20 0 6 14
Road test 14 0 1 13
Treatment plant 33 0 2 31
Waste 8 0 3 5
Underground canals 2 0 2 0
Conex 14 0 1 13
streets 10 1 6 3
As shown in table 14, there are 2 cases with high risk in restaurant, 6 and 32 cases with medium risk in public places and restaurant respectively and 14 and 31 cases with low risk in public places and treatment plant respectively.


Today's world has undergone a variety of pollution of noise, water, soil, biological, etc. caused by human recklessness. Risk centers in hygiene, immunity, and environment are different and have independent and separated identification. According to their extent of operating; these centers are less or more. In this investigation; tried to recording the huge part of biological risk centers in Saipa company. For this reason; the present research was done to identify biological risk centers in SAIPA. After recognizing the biological risk centers using the method PJ-01-001, it was found that there are a total of 33 biological risks in the restaurant. Treatment plant (with a total of 33 risks), public places (with a total of 20 risks), and Road Test Unit (with a total of 14 risks) are the main risk generating centers in the company.Moreover, public places, Road TestUnit, Treatment Plant, Waste Disposal, underground canals, and Conex has no high-risk biological centers. Based upon the obtained results, it was revealed that mitigation measures should be focused on two places restaurantand treatment plant.

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