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Natural Resource Management in Eastern Himalaya: A case study of fringe Villages of Shergaon Forest Division, Arunachal Pradesh

Govinda Pangging1 * , Madhubala Sharma1 , Chaman Lal Sharma1 and Aribam Sandeep Sharma1

Corresponding author Email: gpangging@gmail.com

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.11.3.15

The natural resource management (NRM) practice has been considered as an important aspect of ethnic communities. The present study emphasized on the documentation of NRM practices of the Sherdukpen tribe of Arunachal Pradesh. The study was done in the three fringe villages Membachur, Mukhuthing and Thongre of Shergaon Forest division, West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh. The data was collected  from 97 informants through questionnaire. The NRM practices of Sherdukpen tribe consisted of traditional maize cultivation, management of individual forest, community forest, etc. About 90% of the tribe are involved in farming practice. The average agricultural land holding and average individual forest land holding per HH that range from 0.72 ha to 1.2 ha and 0.6 ha to 0.8 ha, respectively.

NRM; Sherdukpen; West Kameng; Panchayat; Village Council; Forest

Copy the following to cite this article:

Pangging G, Sharma M, Sharma C. L, Sharma A. S. Natural Resource Management in eastern Himalaya: A case study of fringe Villages of Shergaon Forest Division, Arunachal Pradesh. Curr World Environ 2016;11(3). DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.11.3.15

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Pangging G, Sharma M, Sharma C. L, Sharma A. S. Natural Resource Management in eastern Himalaya: A case study of fringe Villages of Shergaon Forest Division, Arunachal Pradesh. Curr World Environ 2016;11(3). Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/?p=16

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Received: 2016-10-13
Accepted: 2016-11-22


Natural resource management (NRM) has been considered as one of the important social-cultural practices of the local community since time immemorial. It has been practiced worldwide for meeting the social, cultural and economic needs. The eastern Himalaya is world widely renowned as a biodiversity hotspot.The traditional knowledge system (TKS) of local people is unique and  is used for managing the valuable natural resources.2,3 However, resource utilization is mostly done at sustenance level.4,5 Traditional forest management is an important aspect of NRM that has direct or indirect link with other land use systems like farming system, agroforestry, etc.,4 The informal institution, locally known as village council, plays a significant role in the management and resolving inter/intra village conflict in NRM practices.6,7 The traditional knowledge of ethnic community helps in the utilization & conservation of natural resources.8

Arunachal Pradesh is one of the 29 states of India, which is an integral part of eastern Himalaya.9 It has diverse ethnicity, biological diversity, endemism and unique natural resource management practices. The Shedukpen tribe is one of the tribes of Arunachal Pradesh and mainly settled in the West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh.10 The agriculture is the main occupation of Sherdukpen tribe.11 and they also practice terrace cultivation for agriculture.12 The main agricultural and horticultural crops raised are tomato, potato and apple.11 The faunal resources are conserved at the regional level through imposing taboos, totem and establishment of sacred sites.13,14 The religious practices of the tribe also help in the conservation of biological diversity by utilizing certain plants.15 The village council of Sherdukpen is called Jung and it play an important role in the management and conservation of natural resources.10 Hunting has been considered as a traditional practice of Sherdukpen tribe and the village council played an important role in its regulation at village level.13 The forest has been classified into five types: Blu dongsek (Community forest), khik donsek (Village forest), Sangthing dongsek (Individual forest), Donsek achok (Sacred groves) and Nyor see (Grazing land).10

The present study aims to document the NRM practices of Sherdukpen tribe of Arunachal Pradesh, which may help in the conservation of biological resources and also assist in finding the gap in the existing NRM practices, which will collectively contribute in the attainment of sustainable development through NRM.16,17,18

Materials and Methods

Three fringe villages of Shergaon Forest Division, Arunachal Pradesh viz. Membachur, Mukhuthing and Thongre have been selected for the study. The study site was located in the West Kameng District of Arunachal Pradesh. It is situated between 91⁰30’ to 92⁰40’ E longitude and 26⁰56’ to 28⁰01’ N latitude. The land use pattern of the West Kamang district consisted of cultivable land, forest land, pastoral land, etc. (Table 1). The household survey was done with standardized questionnaire through random sampling and 97 households were interviewed. The information related to social aspects, economical aspect and ecological aspect were collected from the respondents based on age groups, educational status, gender, village head (Gaon Bura), etc. The data was collected for a period of 4 months i.e., December, 2011 to April, 2012.

Table 1: Land use pattern of West Kameng district.

Sl. no.

Land use pattern

Area (,000 ha)


Geographical area



Cultivable area



Forest area



Land under non-agricultural use



Permanent pastures



Cultivable wasteland



Land under Misc. tree crops and groves



Barren and uncultivable land



Other fallow


Source: Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of agriculture, Govt. of India (2011-2012)

Results and Discussion

Socioeconomic Condition

Sherdukpen tribe is found to be the dominant tribe among the selected villages viz., Membachur, Mukhuthing and Thongri. About 90% of the respondent follows the Buddhism religion. The prevalent family type found is joint family that ranges from 78% to 86%. The highest number of family members per household is found in Membachur village, which is 6 (six), followed by Thongri (5) and Mukhuthing (5). The highest literacy rate is found in Thongri village, which is 61%, followed by Membachur (40%) and Mukhuthing (35%). In all the selected villages, traditional village council and Panchayati raj institution are co-existing and plays an important role in the management of natural resources (Table 2).

Table 2: Socio-cultural status of Shedukpen tribes of fringe villages of Shergaon Forest division.






Family size








Other religion




Sherdukpen tribe




Literacy rate




Joint family




Nuclear family




Gaon bura




Anchal Samiti




Panchayati raj system




The average annual income of the household of the selected fringe villages varies from Rs. 47,000 to Rs. 1,35,000. Farming is the main occupation of the tribe and ranges from 90% to 95%. However, merely 5% to 15% of the populations are under government job (Table 3).

Table 3: Economic aspect of the Shedukpen tribe.






Annual income

Rs. 65,000

Rs. 47,000

Rs. 1,35,000

Government jobs












Animal husbandry








Fuelwood collection








The highest average agricultural land holding per household (HH) is found in Thongri village, which is about 1.2 ha, followed by Membachur village (0.8 ha) and Mukhuthing village (0.72 ha). The highest average forest land holding per HH is found in both Mukhuthing village and Membachur village which is about 0.8 ha (Table 4).

Table 4: Landholding of the villages.

Village name

Household (nos.)

Individual forest land (ha) per HH

Agricultural land (ha) per HH

Total land holding (ha) per HH



0.6 ha

0.8 ha




0.8 ha

0.72 ha

1.52 ha



0.8 ha

1.2 ha


Documentation of Natural Resource Management of Sherdukpen tribe

The NRM practices of the Sherdupen tribe consists of traditional maize cultivation, community forest, individual forest management, etc. (Table 5).

Table 5: Documentation of traditional natural resource management practices of Sherdukpens tribe.

Traditional  NRM practices



Traditional maize cultivation

Traditional method

After sowing of maize, oak leaves are broadcasted on the farm land.

Importance of oak leaf

It helps in mulching, checking weeds growth, replenishment of soil nutrients, protecting sown seeds from birds, etc.

Present status

Presently, Zea mays are traditionally cultivated relatively lesser in proportion in studied villages. This practice is largely depends upon the availability of oak leaves.

 Vegetable cultivation

Types of vegetables raised.

Brassica sp. (Laipatta), Solanum melongena, Capsicum spp. (Chilli), Zingiber officinale (ginger) etc.


Farmland and homestead garden



Cash cropping

Cash crop species

Solanum lycopersicum, Solanum tuberosum and Brassica sp.


Farmland and Community forest



Use of Pesticide and Fertilizer



Type of crops

Apple (Malus pumila), kiwi (Actinidia chinensis), peach (Prunus persica), Amla (Phyllanthus emblica), etc.



Forest management


Community forest and individual forest

 Community Forest

Types of CF.


l. Community forest (religious purposes)

2. Community forest (daily needs of the people)

Who controls it?

Controlled by Panchayat and village council

Distance of CF from the villages.

1-2 km (Membachur); 1 km (Mukhuthing) and 2 km (Thongri)

Species composition.

Pinus wallichiana, P. roxburghii, Rhododendron arboretum, Quercus serrata, Q. alba, Taxus baccata, etc.

Management practices.

Community forest (Religious purposes):

• The village council and Panchayat assist in the protection of the forest resources.

• Trespass in the forest is prohibited.

• Felling of trees for personal use are not allowed viz., fuelwood, small timber etc.

• The forest resources are allowed to extract only in case of conducting the religious ritual / ceremony and festivals at village level.


Community forest (to meet the daily needs of the people):

• The village council and Panchayat assist in the protection of the forest resources.

• The forest is managed through traditional methods, and however no scientific interventions are done.

• The forest resources are extracted solely for meeting the sustenance requirement such as fuelwood, small timber, etc. However, no commercial extraction is allowed.


Role of customary laws.

• Village council plays an important role in the management of CF.

• In CF, encroachment of land is prohibited.

• Involvement of community in the protection of growing stock of CF especially against forest fire.

• Sherdukpen tribe observes 8th, 15th and 30th days of a month as a rest day and they do not involve in any activities in the forest such as hunting, logging, etc. Unfortunately, if anyone breaks the rules either by accident or intentionally then penalties are imposed in the form of fine.

• The extraction of forest resources for commercial purposes is prohibited and if done, then the penalty is imposed, which may be extended to Rs.15000 by the village council.

 Individual forests


This type of forest is owned by individual household. It plays a significant role in meeting the needs of the family and also improves the socioeconomic conditions of household.


Distance of forest from the village

0.5 to3 km

Species composition.

Pinus wallichiana, Rhododendrons spp., Quercus serrata, Q. alba, etc.

Management practice

• The management and protection of individual forest are done solely by the individual owner. However, in case of forest fire, the community helps in extinguishing uncontrolled forest fire.

• Trespass is prohibited in such forest.

• Forest resources are extracted to meet household requirement. However, in certain cases, extraction of forest resources allows for meeting forest resource requirement of the monastery (Gumpas) and also for community level rituals, ceremonies, festival, etc.

• The forest resources are extracted both at subsistence & commercial level.

• The village council & Panchayat plays an important role in resolving dispute related to forest resources within village jurisdiction.


The following penalties imposed:

• Illicit felling and removal of forest resources without the permission of the owner, in such cases, the offender has to return the harvested forest produces viz., fuelwood, timber, etc. or have to pay in cash equivalent to the price of forest resources.

• Encroachment is prohibited in individual forest, if it is done, then penalty imposed on offender based on a village council decision.



Fishing is also an important traditional practice of resource extraction, which is done at subsistence level. The fishing practice is mostly done in Mukuthing village (50%), followed by Memachur village (45%) and Thonri (30%).

 Forest utilisation

Forest resources extraction

Fuelwood, mushroom, wild edible plants, edible insects, timber, medicinal plants, dye, grazing, etc.



The small trees are felled in the forest for fuel wood purposes, which are left for a few days for drying. In case of medium size trees, logs are converted into smaller sections of size like 1m to 2 m length with saws and axes. After complete drying, fuelwoods are collected manually or with small truck.

Species composition.

Hingpu (Quercus serrata), hingmahing (Q. alba),  etc.

Quantity of fuelwood consumption per HH.

The fuelwood requirement per household per day are varies from 30kg to 40kg. The highest consumption is found in Membachur (40kg per HH), followed by Mukhuthing (35 kg per HH) and Thongre (30 kg per HH).

Consumption at village level

The highest fuelwood collection from forests is recorded from Membachur village and Mukhuthing village, which is about 95%, followed by Thongri (80%).


Edible species

Morchella esculenta (Bubungsurok), Peziza sp. (Migorji), Armillaria sp. (Krepoyomi), Dacryopinax spathularia, Agaricus sp. (Jhilikmi), etc.

Collection time.

April to May.

Market price per kg.

Morchella esculenta (Rs.1,500-2,000), Peziza sp. (Rs. 500), Armillaria sp. (Rs. 50-70), Agaricus sp. (Rs.150).

Wild vegetable

Edible species.

Houttuynia cordata, Diplazium esculentum, Zanthoxylum sp., Colocasia sp., etc.

Edible insects

Edible species.

Bombyx mori, Dinoderus minutus, etc.



Pinus roxburghii, P. wallichiana, Quercus alba, Quercus serrata, etc.

Medicinal plants


Swertia sp., Taxus sp., Rhododendron sp., Illicium sp., etc.



Rubia cordifolia


Mode of grazing.

Free grazing in forest.


Oxen and cows (200), sheep (130) and goat (60) in the studied villages.

Value added products.

Ghee and shurpi obtained from the cow milk.

Consumption at village level

Livestock rearing is a common practice among Sherdukpen tribe that range from 45% to 75% in the studied village.



Bambusa tulda, B. balcooa, etc.


Construction purposes, fencing material, food, etc.


Village wise

Hunting is considered as traditional practice and it is found higher in Mukhuting village i.e., 65%, followed by Membachur village (60%) and Thungri (30%).

In the present study, agriculture is reported as a the main occupation of Sherdukpen tribe, which is similar to the findings of Shimrah et al.11 The leaves of Quercus sp. is traditionally utilized for Zea mays cultivation, which help in replenishing the nutrient loss, mulching, etc., and similar finding was reported by Dollo et al.,10 Forest played an important role in meeting the needs of social, cultural and religious aspect of Sherdukpen tribe. It has been classified based on ownership, such as (i) community forest and (ii) individual forest. The community forest (CF) is further classified into two sub-types based on the function such as (i) CF (exclusively for religious purposes) and (ii) CF (meeting the requirement of the local people). However, five types of forest have been reported based on land use viz., community forest, village forest, individual forest, sacred groves and community grazing land by Dollo et al.,10 Hunting has been reported to be traditional practices of Sherdukpen, which is similar to the finding of Mazumdar et al.,13 The village council is a traditional institution, which played an important role in the management and conservation of forest resources, which is similar to findings of Mazumdar et al.,13

The NRM practices of the Sherdukpen tribes are diverse and this practice not only helps in meeting the basic needs of the community but also helps in the protection of biological diversity. At present, the traditional land use systems are under constant anthropogenic pressure due to change in land use pattern. In Arunachal Pradesh, the area of maize cultivation has been declining gradually from 15.1% (1990-91) to 12.07% (2013-14).18 A similar trend has been found in the studied fringe villages of the Shergaon Forest Division. Although, the traditional maize cultivation provides various goods and environmental services viz. staple food, supplements the fodder requirement during the winter, soil and water conservation, conservation of Quercus sp., etc. This form of farming need to be preserved and restored as it fulfills all the aspects of sustainable development principle. At present, the area under horticultural crop in Arunachal Pradesh has tremendously increased from 7.4% (1990-91) to 22.86% (2013-14).18 Both cash cropping and horticultural crop are also exerting pressure on the Community forest land, which are gradually converted due to better economic return and scarcity of land resource. Moreover, the use of inorganic chemical inputs in these land use systems is a matter of concern, which needs to be replaced with organic farming and complimentary land use systems.


The NRM practices of Sherdukpen tribe consist of traditional maize cultivation, cash cropping, horticultural crop, individual forest and community forest management. These natural resource management practices meet all the needs of the community viz., social, cultural and economic needs. However, change in forest and traditional agricultural land use system to cash cropping and horticulture may affect the traditional NRM practices of Sherdukpen tribe in the long run and is a matter of concern from the conservation of biological diversity point of view. At the transaction stage of state development, the interlinking of sectoral policies should be emphasized and there should be a synergy between development activities and conservation of biological diversity at all levels.


The authors are grateful to the villagers of Membachur, Thongri and Mukhuthing village of Rupa, West Kameng district and DFO, Shergaon Forest Division, Arunachal Pradesh for extending their cooperation.


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