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Seasonal variation in physico-chemical aspects of a fish pond, Jammu, India

M.K. Jyoti1 * , K.K. Sharma1 and Jyoti Sharma1

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.4.1.36

In the present investigation (from march 2004 – February 2005), a fish pond was selected at University of Jammu, Jammu to study the physico-chemical properties of water for the assessment of its quality. The physico-chemical factors such as temperature, pH, free carbon dioxide, Dissolved oxygen (DO), Calcium (Ca++), Magnesium (Mg++), Carbonate (CO32-), Bicarbonate (HCO3-) and Chloride were investigated. Temperature fluctuated from 11oC to 28oC, pH from 7.7 to 9, DO from 7.2 mg/l to 14 mg/l, Cl- from 15.97 mg/l to 49.9 mg/l, CO3" from 30 mg/l to 597.7 mg/l, Ca++ from 12.03 to 28.06 mg/l, Mg++ from 6.86 mg/l to 19.37 mg/l and free carbon dioxide remained absent through out the study period.

Physico-Chemical Parameters; Pond; Physico-Chemical Parameters

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Jyoti M.K, Sharma K.K, Sharma J. Seasonal variation in physico-chemical aspects of a fish pond, Jammu, India. Curr World Environ 2009;4:(1):207-210 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.4.1.36

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Jyoti M.K, Sharma K.K, Sharma J. Seasonal variation in physico-chemical aspects of a fish pond, Jammu, India. Curr World Environ 2009;4:(1):207-210. Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/?p=947

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Received: 2008-05-12
Accepted: 2008-08-17


The survival, distribution and growth of a species are attributes necessary to build healthy population which depend upon various ecological factors (abiotic and biotic) operating in an ecosystem. Therefore, for understanding adjustibilities & adaptations that an organism has to undertake for successful completion of its life cycle, it is imperative that one makes an inquisite study of organisms and its interaction with environment (Welch, 1952). Several workers who have analysed the physico-chemical properties of various ponds of jammu are Puri, 1989; Dalpatia, 1998; Akhtar, 2003; Shvetambri (2007).

Material and Methods

Fish pond is a concrete inland depression of rectangular shape with an area of 157 m2 and a depth of 9 feet. The source of water in the pond was tube well. Fishes inhabiting the pond were Tor putitora, Tor tor, Cyprinus carpio, Catla catla, Cirrhinus mrigala, Labeo rohita and Puntius sps. Monthly sampling of water from fish pond was carried during March 2004-Febaruary 2005. Physico-chemical parameters were analysed as per ISI (1973) and A.P.H.A. (1985).

Results and Discussion

During the period of present investigations the water temperature of fish pond was observed to fluctuate from a minimum of 11°C in February to a maximum of 28°C in the month of June. The variations in the water temperature follow closely the variation in air temperature as has been suggested by other workers in the past (Qadri and Yousuf, 1980; Raina et al., 1982; Singh & Singh, 1995; Pandey & Lal, 1995; Siraj et al., 2006 and Shvetambri, 2007). The perusal of table 1 reveals that though the water temperature closely follows the air temperature yet its value being lower than air temperature in summer and higher than air temperature in winter which is an interesting feature and could be linked to the thermal attributes of water i.e.

  • Water has a high specific heat and
  • Water has a latent heat of fusion.

pH, the measure of hydrogen ion concentration of water in fish pond remained alkaline throughout the study period ranging from 7.7 to 9. Similar observation has been made by Das & Srivastva (1956), Vijaykumar (1992) and Pappa (1995).

Table 1: Mean seasonal variation in physico-chemical parameters pond (March 2004-February 2005)
Click here to view table

The concentration of DO in fish pond recorded seasonal variations from a minimum of 7.2 mg/l in the month of march to a maximum of 14 mg/l in October and January (Table 1). This higher level of DO in winter as compared to summer could possibly be linked with its miscibility with water at lower temperature because of enhancement in gas retaining capacity of oxygen at lower temperature (Jhingran, 1975 and Khalaf and MacDonald, 1975). Free carbon dioxide during the investigation period remained absent in the water of fish pond throughout the year (Table 1). Absence of FCO2 in water bodies, has often been linked with its consumption in photosynthesis and for formation of carbonates as suggested by Hutchinson (1957), Cole (1975), Wetzel (1975), Jhingran (1982), Patil et al. (1985), Shardendu and Ambasht (1988), Puri (1989), Khajuria (1992) and Dalpatia (1998) in various water bodies.

Chloride content of the water of fish pond (Table 1) was observed to vary from a minimum of 15.97 mg/l (June) to a maximum of 49.9 mg/l (August). The increase of Cl
- in monsoon could have been due to flushing of materials from catchmen area into pond by monsoon rains.

Perusal of table 1 reveals continuous presence of carbonate with their concentration varying from 30 mg/l in April to 78 mg/l in February. Presence of carbonate and concomitant absence of FCO
2 may speak for use of later in converting it into carbonates & bicarbonates (Sehgal, 1980; Patil et al., 1985 and Khajuria, 1992).

A look at table 1 exhibits that bicarbonate maxima was recorded in the month of January (597.7 mg/l) and minima in the month of May (76.9 mg/l). Similar trend of summer decrease and winter increase has been shown by Bhatnagar & Sharma (1978), Qadri & Yousuf (1980) and Shafiq (2004).

Calcium is an important macronutrient essential for the various metabolic processes in all the living organism as it provide structural and skeltal material for them. The mean value of calcium ranges from a minimum of 12.03 mg/l in July to maximum of 28.06 mg/l in the month of April (Table 1) during the period of present investigation. The lowest value of calcium during July (monsoon) may be attributed to dilution of calcium in the pond water by rain (Jhingran, 1975 and Reid & Wood, 1976).

Perusal of table 1 reveals that the concentration of magnesium ranges from a minimum of 6.86 mg/l in the month of July to maximum of 19.37 mg/l in the month of May. Summer increase in magnesium has also earlier been reported by Shastree et al. (1991) who have suggested that microbial decomposition of organic matter and fall in water level as a result of evaporation caused by high temperature of summer may be the causative factors for summer maxima of magnesium. Monsoon decrease in mg
++ due to dilution by rain has also been suggested by Sutcliffe and Carrick (1973)


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