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Effect of mass bathing on the water quality of Narmada river at district Hoshangabad, (M.P.) India

Sanjay Telang1 * , Yogendra Saxena2 and Anoop Chaturvedi2

1 Government science and commerce college, Bhopal, 462 001 India

2 Central Pollution Control Board, Bhopal, 462 003 India

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.4.1.37

In River Narmada, pollution load increases due to mass bathing, physico-chemical analysis of water clearly indicates that water quality deteriorates and it take longer time to recover the previous water quality through self purification process.The minimum and maximum pH was recorded in the range of 7.20 to 7.61 where the pH value of drinking water standard (6.5 to 8.5). The DO level was observed in the range of 8.20 to 10.2mg/L during study. The values of BOD were found in the range of <1 mg/L to 20 mg/L and COD were found in the range of 6 mg/l to 48 mg/L. Total Coliform were found above the standard limit during and after mass bathing.

Mass Bathing; Water Quality; Dissolved Oxygen; (DO)

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Telang S, Saxena Y, Chaturvedi A. Effect of mass bathing on the water quality of Narmada river at district Hoshangabad, (M.P.) India. Curr World Environ 2009;4(1):211-213 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.4.1.37

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Telang S, Saxena Y, Chaturvedi A. Effect of mass bathing on the water quality of Narmada river at district Hoshangabad, (M.P.) India. Curr World Environ 2009;4(1):211-213. Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/?p=949

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Received: 2009-04-25
Accepted: 2009-06-10


Narmada-the largest west flowing river of India, originates from eastern Madhya Pradesh at Amarkantak (situated at 20°40’N and 80°45’ E) flows towards west and joins Arabian Sea. During the festivals, mass bathing is performed by pilgrims, which significantly contributes to the pollution load in the river and as a consequence deteriorated the water quality. The study has been carried out to assess the water quality of river water during mass bathing and to find out the solution to recover the previous water quality.

Material and Methods

The standard method as prescribed in APHA adopted for analysis of river samples during study. The primary conditionings of the samples were carried at the site followed by analysis in the laboratory using various instruments. The following three ghats were selected for the monitoring purpose:

Near Bandhra Bhan

This station located at confluence point of Narmada and Tawa and is in the upstream of all the ghats. A very limited pilgrims activity was observed at this station.


This is the main ghat for pilgrim activity all the major rituals are performed here throughout the year at this place. The water quality at this ghat gets highly disturbed due to pilgrim activities.

Mangalwara Ghat

This ghat is in the down stream of Sethanighat pilgrim activity is less at this location as compared to Sethani ghat.

The water samples were collected from the mass bathing site during Sankranti at different intervals i.e. Pre-mass bathing (11.01.2008), during mass bathing (14.01.2008) and post-mass bathing (16.01.2008).

Result and Discussion

The physico-chemical properties of Narmada river water, as observed during the study course, is stated as follows :

Table 1: Water quality of Narmadar river at district Hoshangabad during Mass bathing (Sankaranti)
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The determination of pH shows the alkaline and acidic nature of the water.. In the present study the variation n pH values of river water was not very significant and it varied between 7.20 to 7.61. Minimum pH i.e. 7.20 was observed at Mangalwara ghat on monitoring during post mass bathing on the occasion of Makar Sankaanti.

Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

DO is the vital parameter to assess the water pollution caused due to organic wastes. Maximum DO was observed at upstream at Bandhrabhan which i.e. 10.2mg/l and minimum DO was found to be 8.2mg/l at Sethani Ghat.The decline in DO at Sethani ghat could be due to consumption of oxygen in decomposition of organic matter present in the water due to various religious activates as well as due to mixing of domestic waste.

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

During the study COD measured in the range of 06 to 48 mg/l. lowest COD was observed at upstream (u/s) near Bandhrabhan which indicates that u/s has not contributed to increase the pollution level of the Narmada river. Maximum COD values i.e. 48mg/l were observed at Sethani ghat which could be due to the influence of mass bathing activity.

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

Test of BOD was performed to assess the bio-degradable organic pollution load in water body. BOD results ranged between < 1 to 20 mg/L at the stud site.

Total Coliforms

Bacterial pollution was found higher in the river Narmada during the study. Total coliforms values was observed Nil to 12500/100ml. Presence of coliform indicates the water pollution due to mixing of human excreta in the form of sewage etc.


On the basis of the study it was observed that due to mass bathing at river, organic pollution load is increased and it affects the water quality and ecosystem adversely in down stream area. Bacterial pollution also makes water unfit for drinking and bathing purpose.


On the basis of this study following recommendations are proposed to improve the River water quality.

´ Due to mass gathering and improper sanitation facilities, the human excreta and other waste increase the Coliform numbers alarmingly. There is need to educated the people through mass awareness programs for bringing the awareness among the common citizens about water pollution and its possible impact on the environment and mankind.
´ Washing of cloths and vehicles, bathing of cattle and other such activities should be stopped at bank of the river to reduce the water pollution.


1. APHA, Standard method for the examination of water and waste water, 20thedition NY.
2. Sawyer N.C. McCarty P.L and Parkin,GF Chemistry for environmental engineer (2003).