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Assessment of Ground Water Quality by Using Water Quality Index Method of Berhampur Town in Odisha, India

Bijaya Kumar Gouda1 , Ejaz Ahmed2 * and Mukunda Kesari Khadanga3

1 Department of Chemistry, Science College, Hinjilicut, Ganjam, 761102 Odisha India

2 Department of Chemistry, M.M. Mahavidyalaya, Berhampur, 760001 Ganjam Odisha India

3 Project Scientist, NIOT, Chennai, 600100 India

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.9.3.49

Berhampur, the silk city of Odisha (India) is under the process of rapid urbanization with human population exceeding more than four lacks. Such growth in population of Berhampur Municipal Corporation has increased the requirement of water for human activities. Due to this reason the huge amount of waste water is generated which is discharged to the Bay of Bengal through small sewage system. The present study is carried out the impact of ground water quality status of Berhampur town. The water samples collected from ten different locations have been chosen separately across Berhampur Municipal Corporation depending on pollution load and water logging. The samples were collected in three different seasons i.e monsoon (MN, June-September), post monsoon (PM, November-January) and pre monsoon (PRM, March-May) and to determine the physical, chemical and biological parameters. The WQI reflects a composite influence of contributing factors on the quality of water for any type of water system. So WQI is an important parameter for assessment and management of ground water. Now a day’s water quality of different water system has been communicated on the basis of calculated WQI. The presents study revels that water quality index is 1 to 10 sampling station (S-1, S-2, S-4, S-5, S-6, S-7, S-8)  come under good water quality and station (S-3, S-9, S-10) belongs to poor water. This may be due the sewage water logging in those study area which will definitely put serious impact up on socio-economic development of the people in this area in future.

Ground water; Water Quality Parameters; Water Quality Index

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Ahmed E, Gouda B. K, Khadanga M. K. Assessment of Ground Water Quality by Using Water Quality Index Method of Berhampur Town in Odisha, India. Curr World Environ 2014;9 (3) DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.9.3.49

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Ahmed E, Gouda B. K, Khadanga M. K. Assessment of Ground Water Quality by Using Water Quality Index Method of Berhampur Town in Odisha, India. Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/?p=7133