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Seasonal Characterization and Estimation of Per Capita Solid Waste Generation in Tumakuru City, Karnataka, India

Kariyanna Harisha * and Jambhava Samavedamuni Chandrashekar

1 Department of Studies and Research in Environmental Science, Karnataka State Open University, Mysuru, Karnataka India

Corresponding author Email: harisha_akp@yahoo.co.in

The goal of the study was to find the per capita of solid waste generation in Tier-II city like Tumakuru. The study’s goal is to find out the solid waste generation within the High, Middle and Lower income groups (HIG,MIG,LIG) in the residential area of Tumakuru city, Karnataka, India. The rapid population growth urbanization, and industrialization that have raised the generation of solid waste of various types. The solid waste was collected directly from residents of three different income groups in the chosen residential wards. This study examines the solid waste generation for two distinct seasons (winter and summer) in 2023 and 2024, respectively. For all three different income groups, the total quantity of solid waste generated against 420 samples was 699 kg. The average quantity of MSW generated was 1.66 kg/capita/day. The MIG producing the least amount of solid waste roughly 1.236 to 1.496 kg/capita/day and the LIG producing the more solid waste of 1.766 to 2.137 kg/capita/day. In terms of the overall amount of waste generated in the study area, the study discovered that the winter season generates the least amount of waste while the summer season generates the most. The waste generation revealed that Bio-degradable waste was produced in greater proportions and is therefore suitable for Composting. However the other Non Bio-degradable waste is thus suitable for Refuse Derived Fuel Facility (RDF).

Door to door collection; Income groups; Seasons; Solid waste generation; Tier-II City; Urbanization

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Harisha K, Chandrashekar J. S. Seasonal Characterization and Estimation of Per Capita Solid Waste Generation in Tumakuru City, Karnataka, India. Curr World Environ 2025;20(1).

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Harisha K, Chandrashekar J. S. Seasonal Characterization and Estimation of Per Capita Solid Waste Generation in Tumakuru City, Karnataka, India. Curr World Environ 2025;20(1).