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Impact of Surface Dew Point Temperature, Precipitable Water and the Lifted Index on the Precipitation over Hyderabad (India).

Mohammad Taiyab , Rizwan ul Haq Ansari * , Md Khaleelur Rahiman and Hakeem Aleem Basha

1 Physics section, School of Sciences, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad, Telangana India

Corresponding author Email: rizwanans@manuu.edu.in

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.19.1.19

In this manuscript, we analyze some significant atmospheric parameters relating to precipitation over Hyderabad. For that purpose, we study the relationships between dew point temperature, precipitable water, lifted index with precipitation and the correlation between these parameters. Our analysis includes interpolation, correlation, and regression. For the ten-year average of monthly mean data, the correlation coefficient of dew point temperature with precipitable water is 0.95, the lifted index with precipitable water is (-0.82), the precipitable water with precipitation is 0.96, the lifted index with precipitation is (-0.69). For complete time series monthly mean data, the correlation of dew point temperature with precipitable water is 0.83, the lifted index with precipitable water is (-0.74), the precipitable water with precipitation is 0.78, lifted index with precipitation is (-0.51). Thus, there is positive correlation between some parameters, while negative correlation between others. We have also noticed more precipitation when the precipitable water values range from 40 mm to 60 mm and when the LI is more negative. The degree of relationship between dew point temperature and natural logarithm of Precipitable Water was excellent over Hyderabad and a regression equation relating the two parameters was computed. The probability of precipitation and severe weather occurrence could be identified along with Td, PW and LI. Thus, there is a possibility that LI, Td and PW can be potential parameters to measure the occurrence of precipitation events.

Dew point temperature; Lifted index; Precipitable water; Precipitation

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Taiyab M, Ansari R. H, Rahiman M. K, Basha H. A. Impact of Surface Dew Point Temperature, Precipitable Water and the Lifted Index on the Precipitation over Hyderabad (India). Curr World Environ 2024;19(1). DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.19.1.19

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Taiyab M, Ansari R. H, Rahiman M. K, Basha H. A. Impact of Surface Dew Point Temperature, Precipitable Water and the Lifted Index on the Precipitation over Hyderabad (India). Curr World Environ 2024;19(1).