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A Study on Physical Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste of Jammu City on the basis of Socioeconomic Status of the Population

Bhawana Sharma , Pankaj Mehta * and Preeti Verma

1 Department of Environmental Sciences, Central University of Jammu, Samba, Jammu and Kashmir India

Corresponding author Email: pankajmehta@cujammu.ac.in

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.18.3.36

Generation of waste has been associated with humans since dawn of civilization. But in recent decades due to factors like ever increasing population, urbanization and industrialization, the amount of waste generated has spiked to enormous proportions. The composition of waste has significantly changed since plastic was first used in the middle of the 19th century. MSW management is a significant environmental concern in India. Jammu City generates an immense amount of solid waste, approximately 350–400 metric tons (MT) daily, with an individual generation rate of around 0.55 kg per day. MSW management in Jammu City is handled by the Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC). In the city, MSW collection, transportation, and disposal are all handled by JMC. MSW of Jammu city is disposed at Kot Bhalwal which is an open landfill site. As of now no prior treatment of MSW is being done. Present study attempts to assess the current state of MSW management in Jammu city. Sampling was done in the month of July, 2022 from 15 different wards classified in the basis of socioeconomic status and physical characterization of MSW was conducted. This paper analyzes the results obtained from physical characteristics of MSW from three diverse socioeconomic groups HIG, MIG and LIG. This would help in understanding the waste generation pattern of different socioeconomic groups. MSW from MIG contains large proportion of organic matter (55%) and is thus suitable for composting and bio-methanation, however MSW collected from HIG locality contain high proportion of inorganic materials like paper/cardboard, plastic, polythene and textile waste and therefore it is suitable for Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) facility. MSW from Jammu city also contain high fraction of inert waste (20% to 45%). Inert waste can be easily disposed but when it is mixed with MSW it increases the volume and weight of total MSW and therefore increase the difficulty if MSW management. This study also explores the alternative approaches to MSWM in Jammu city. Data generated by present study will be beneficial to JMC for designing future course of action for management of MSW of Jammu City.

Municipal Solid Waste; Resource Recovery; Segregation; Sustainability; Waste Management

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Sharma B, Mehta P, Verma P. A Study on Physical Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste of Jammu City on the basis of Socioeconomic Status of the Population. Curr World Environ 2023;18(3). DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.18.3.36

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Sharma B, Mehta P, Verma P. A Study on Physical Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste of Jammu City on the basis of Socioeconomic Status of the Population. Curr World Environ 2023;18(3).