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Potential Impact of Geopathic Radiation on Environment and Health

Saravanan Manickam1 *

1 GK Radiation Solutions Pvt Ltd, Porur, Chennai, 600116 India

Corresponding author Email: thallapadi.saravanan@gmail.com

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.13.Special-Issue1.05

Geopathic Stress is a distorted or disrupted electromagnetic field of the Earth causing harmful radiation to emanate from earth surface. The source of the causes for Geopathic stress are the underground streams of water, faulty magnetic grid lines, concentration of mineral deposits and underground fissures. In olden days, most of our civilisations had knowledge about the Geopathic stress as Earth’s radiation energy and their impact on Human beings. However, our research findings by scientists lead to numerous investigations about effect of Geopathic Stress on human system.

The purpose of this work is to study the potential impact of geopathic stress on human system by measuring Heart Rate which is an indicator of stress level of human body and the impact on plant machineries by recording breakdown hours. This has been observed during our study that the Heart Rate in geopathic stress zones are higher as compared to nonstress zones which leads to higher stress level of human being. During our course of work, we have found that Geopathic Stress zones not only affect health of people but also affect breakdown rate of machinery and equipment’s kept in Geopathic stress zones. Machines kept in geopathic stress zones tend to have more breakdowns when compared with machines kept in normal zones.

Energy; Environment; Geopathic Stress; Machinery Breakdown; Pulse Rate

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Manickam S. Potential Impact of Geopathic Radiation on Environment and Health. Curr World Environ 2018;13(Special-issue 4-2018). DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.13.Special-Issue1.05

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Manickam S. Potential Impact of Geopathic Radiation on Environment and Health. Curr World Environ 2018;13(Special-issue 4-2018). Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org?p=1105/