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Preparation and Utilization of the Precursor Activated Carbon from Carbon Enriched Fuel Oil Fly Ash: Part II Removal and Speciation of Chromium(III and VI) from Wastewater

A Abu-Rizaiza1 , M.W. Kadi2 and M.S. El-Shahawi2 *

1 Environmental Sciences Department, Faculty of Meteorology Environment and Arid Land Agriculture, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

2 Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.12.3.08

Activated carbon (AC) prepared from residual fly (FA) was activated by combined CO2-steam  gasification and physically modified with procaine hydrochloride (PQ+Cl-). Modified AC was  used as low cost and effective solid phase extractor (SPE) for removal, total determination  and chemical speciation of chromium(III&VI)  in wastewater.   Pseudo-second order rate equation is proposed for  assigning the kinetics of chromium(VI) sorption in aqueous HCl (1.0 mol L-1) by PQ+Cl-- modified AC . The data were correlated with surface structure of the SPE. A dual  separation mechanism of chromium(VI)  as a binary complex ion associate [PQ+.CrO3Cl-] in/on the modified AC via "weak base anion exchanger" and an added component of “surface adsorption” is proposed.  At 2 mL min-1 flow rate Sorption of spiked chromium(VI) at known concentrations (0.5-20 mg mL-1) from water onto modified AC packed columns at 2 mL min-1 was achieved.  The sorbed chromium(VI) species were successfully recovered (106.0±2- 110 ±3%, n=3) from AC packed column with NaOH (10 mL, 1.0 mol L-1). Chromium(III) after oxidation to chromium(VI) was also enriched  and  eluted from the AC packed column and analyzed.  Modified PQ+Cl- AC packed column was also used for  total determination and speciation of  chromium(III & VI) species at trace levels  in  environmental water samples. Good apparent recovery percentage (94.6±6.3-102.0± 8.5 %) of chromium species was achieved confirming the analytical utility of the modified AC-packed column for removal, total determination and speciation of chromium(III & VI) species in environmental water samples.

Fly ash; Modified activated carbon; Chromium(III and VI) specie; Adsorption; Procaine hydrochloride (PQ+Cl-); PQ+Cl-- modified AC packed column; Environmental water samples

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Abu-Rizaiza A, Kadi M. W, El-Shahawi M. S. Preparation and Utilization of the Precursor Activated Carbon from Carbon Enriched Fuel Oil Fly Ash: Part II Removal and Speciation of Chromium(III and VI) from Wastewater. Curr World Environ 2017;12(3). DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.12.3.08

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Abu-Rizaiza A, Kadi M. W, El-Shahawi M. S. Preparation and Utilization of the Precursor Activated Carbon from Carbon Enriched Fuel Oil Fly Ash: Part II Removal and Speciation of Chromium(III and VI) from Wastewater. Curr World Environ 2017;12(3). Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org?p=1040/